选择在句子中含义一样的词语1.He tried to persuade himself that he should serve the community without remuneration.A.payment B.compensation C.recollection D.response2.The argument is said to be reinforced by the latest figures.A.confirmed

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 07:46:52

选择在句子中含义一样的词语1.He tried to persuade himself that he should serve the community without remuneration.A.payment B.compensation C.recollection D.response2.The argument is said to be reinforced by the latest figures.A.confirmed
1.He tried to persuade himself that he should serve the community without remuneration.
A.payment B.compensation C.recollection D.response
2.The argument is said to be reinforced by the latest figures.
A.confirmed B.strengthened C.propounded D.accelerated
3.The fire brigade waded into the pandemonium to help the panicked crowds out.
A.ordered situation B.observation C.confusion D.conflict
4.We can hardly deny the stature the musical Cats has gained over the past twenty years.
A.status B.appearance C.statue D.image
5.The manager would manage to take to any unscrupulous means for the company’s profit.
A.immoral B.impudent C.immortal D.ambitious
1为remuneration 2为reinforced 3为pandemonium 4为stature 5为unscrupulous

选择在句子中含义一样的词语1.He tried to persuade himself that he should serve the community without remuneration.A.payment B.compensation C.recollection D.response2.The argument is said to be reinforced by the latest figures.A.confirmed

选择在句子中含义一样的词语1.He tried to persuade himself that he should serve the community without remuneration.A.payment B.compensation C.recollection D.response2.The argument is said to be reinforced by the latest figures.A.confirmed tr在英语中有什么特别含义? 用下列词语分别造两个句子,要求在不同句子中词语的含义不同.1.污染 2.磨合 3.锻炼 4.自由 我们知道一些词语在不同得句子中有不同的含义,请选择可以替换下列句子中的毛病的词语填空.1.他的这辆车出了点毛病,请你修理一下.( )..2.他就是这个老毛病,总改不掉...3.她身上的毛病多, 中,响亮,境界,着落的含义是?不要解释词语,还有,慈善,秀气,空灵在句子中的含义! 体会下列句子中加点词语的含义和作用. 结合上下文,解释下列句子中加点词语的含义 选择括号中合适的词语完成句子. 从括号中选择适当的词语完成句子 tr在量子力学中是什么意思 《月亮上的足迹》1.文中第三段两个加点的字“这”含义是否一样?为什么?2.文段画线句子中美美的甜甜的两个词语能否去掉?为什么? 下列词语在句子中的含义. 下列词语在句子中的含义, 联系上下文,说说下面句子中加点词语的含义.穷学生想起这么多年来在海边扔鹅卵 请问电路图中 下面符号的含义是什么:E71208 IG EV TR R1 R2 指出下列句子中加点词语的具体含义 ,急指出下列句子中加点词语的具体含义(1)各种花次第开放..(2) 在地球上温带和亚热带区域里,年年如是,周而复始.... 有关语文的答题格式1.词语的含义怎么回答,有哪几个方面?(分别在记叙文,议论文,说明文,散文中)2.句子的含义,和用意(2点啊!)是不是只要答内容上的就行? 用“光”字组成四个不同的词语,在选择合适的词语填入句子中.光:------- -------- -------- --------太阳发出夺目的【 】,使周围的云突然有了【 】