英语翻译6、But it came with a price because when he was drinking,we had jobs and money.When he quit,we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor.PS:请高手重点解析“we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor.”这句话的真正含义.7、It

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 12:17:37

英语翻译6、But it came with a price because when he was drinking,we had jobs and money.When he quit,we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor.PS:请高手重点解析“we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor.”这句话的真正含义.7、It
6、But it came with a price because when he was drinking,we had jobs and money.When he quit,we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor.
PS:请高手重点解析“we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor.”这句话的真正含义.
7、It got so bad that he either quit or got fired.
8、He was a tool pusher essentially,sold drill bits to oil-drilling companies.
9、I never think that I ‘m doing eight-minute cures on television.But I think that 50 percent of the solution to any problem lies in defining it first.I can be an emotional compass that points them down the path.
PS:请高手重点解析“cures”与“lies in”的意思,另外 “point……down”是词组吗?

英语翻译6、But it came with a price because when he was drinking,we had jobs and money.When he quit,we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor.PS:请高手重点解析“we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor.”这句话的真正含义.7、It
6、But it came with a price because when he was drinking, we had jobs and money. When he quit, we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor.
PS:请高手重点解析“we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor.”这句话的真正含义.
we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor:其中的trade sth. for sth.以...和...交易,以酗酒和穷困潦倒交易.
7、It got so bad that he either quit or got fired.
==>一般so...that是如此...以至于...的意思,这里上下句不是因果关系: 变得糟糕的是,他既没有辞职也没有被解雇.后半句that he either quit or got fired是so bad的补充状语从句,补充说明so bad的细节,不要太拘泥语法结构,更应该注重的是:1.英语语序特征,2.英语国家的人的逻辑思维特征.
8、He was a tool pusher essentially, sold drill bits to oil-drilling companies.
9、I never think that I ‘m doing eight-minute cures on television. But I think that 50 percent of the solution to any problem lies in defining it first. I can be an emotional compass that points them down the path.
PS:请高手重点解析“cures”与“lies in”的意思,另外 “point……down”是词组吗?
cure:名词,治疗.point和后面的down可以认为没有关系,这里不是词组,down这里的意思是“沿着”,相当于along.down the path是介宾结构词组,在句中作points them的补充状语.

阅读短文,并用代词填空My aunt called me this morning.My aunt was tick,so I wanted to help( ).First,I got( )the newspaper,but it’s hard for( )to read( )without her glasses.Then,we watched TV in her room,and her son came in and watched TV wi 英语翻译1.Please give us a duty r____.2.When spring r____,everything comes back to life.3.Summer is the w____ season in a year.4.It's wet and dark.It's a ____ day.5.It's in summer.It's not raining .But you cannot see far.It's a ____ morning,It wi 英语翻译But it ____ ____. 英语翻译under this agreement as a result of the occurrence of any event beyond its reasonable control and which is not caused by it including but without limiting--strike or labor disturbance...主要是 which is not caused by it including but wi 英语翻译One day I wrote her name upon the strand,But came the waves and washed it away:Again I wrote it with a second hand,But came the tide,and made my pains his prey.Vain man,said she,that doest in vain assay A mortal thing so to immortalize,Fo 英语翻译6、But it came with a price because when he was drinking,we had jobs and money.When he quit,we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor.PS:请高手重点解析“we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor.”这句话的真正含义.7、It 英语翻译But perhaps what makes the Lyari operation typical of Karachi was how,just as it was escalating into a policing and humanitarian disaster,it suddenly came to a halt. 英语翻译.I am interested in having a portrait made.I’ve looked at all the ones available on Ebay.I think I like yours very much but looking at the paintings they look too perfect.Almost like a photo with brush strokes on top of it.I want one wi 英语翻译It is reported that 300 million people in china have eyesight(视力) trouble.More and more parents hope to save their children’s eyesight with medicine,or by correcting the ways that children read and sit.But in fact,one should stat wi 英语翻译You may get some free drinks or even a free meal, says Haussman.Personally,whenever I'm faced with a hotel charge for wi-fi,I ask about a discount.You may not always get the discounts or the freebies,but it certainly doesn't hurt to ask. I sent an angel to watchover you last night but it came back出自哪里 英语翻译It was christmas,and there was a big party in Mr.green's house.Guests came and went,but the party was going on.Then the bell rang.Several people shouted,Come in!and a small man opened the front door and came in.Nobody knew him,but Mr.Gr 英语翻译It was christmas Eve,and there was a big partyn the house.guests came and went,but the party went on.then the bell rang Some people shouteed,.'Conme in!'and a small man opened thefront door and came in.Nobody kenw him but the host went to 英语翻译It just is thing came up如何用?对不起,写错了...应该还 It just this thing came up 另外came up怎样用? 英语翻译ALast Monday he ran out and jumped into a car.His dog came after him,but it did not jump into the same car.It jumped into the next one.Come here.Sillydog.George shouted at it,but the dog still stayed in the other car.George put his key 英语翻译W:There was a new quiz show on television last night,but we were just sitting down to dinner when it came on.M:I watched it and it was great!The first four contestants won only small prizes,but the fifth left with a new luxury car. 英语翻译RE:OfF Wi how are you?sorry was kinda out of it had a big day at work i am well thanks 帮忙翻译: But it also came into my mind that I actually ... ...But it also came into my mind that I actually saved someone's Christmas plans by finding and returning the wallet. 要精确o ~