
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 17:02:09



On Sunday May 6th, the day morning, I walk to the center of street post office post. At the post office near the crossroads, I saw an unbelievable thing, a taxi after running the red light green with ...


On Sunday May 6th, the day morning, I walk to the center of street post office post. At the post office near the crossroads, I saw an unbelievable thing, a taxi after running the red light green with a white car collision. It was nine forty now, many passers-by in the crowd, and soon the110 call,120emergency telephone. For a while, the police, the driver of the car was slightly wounded on admission, taxi driver and was taken to the police station processing.


我只能帮你翻译上面问题补充那个短文.如果要翻译的你把中文字写下来我再帮你翻译.写好了再通知我就行了.The weather of today is very good, I with my family went out for a picnic, suddenly, at an intersection, we have a car ahead with the coming of a car ...


我只能帮你翻译上面问题补充那个短文.如果要翻译的你把中文字写下来我再帮你翻译.写好了再通知我就行了.The weather of today is very good, I with my family went out for a picnic, suddenly, at an intersection, we have a car ahead with the coming of a car crash, this time only to hear the brakes and collision of sound, when I wake up, a lot of cars are stopped, I with my parents get off to see, fortunately, all the people in the car suffered minor injuries, and soon 120came, we continue to picnic today.






It’s a fine day today. I went to have a picnic with my family. Suddenly , at the crossing, a car before us crashed with the car which was driving towards us. At that time ,only the sound o...


It’s a fine day today. I went to have a picnic with my family. Suddenly , at the crossing, a car before us crashed with the car which was driving towards us. At that time ,only the sound of the brake and collision was heard. When I came to myself , many cars stopped to have a look. My parents and I went off to see what happened. Luckily , the passengers in the car were just hurt slightly. Soon the ambulance came and we went on with our picnic.


写一小段关于交通事故的英语小短文,今天天气很好,我跟全家人出去野餐,突然,在一个路口,我们前方的有辆轿车跟对面开过来的一辆轿车相撞,这时候只听见急刹车和碰撞的声音,等我 写一小段短文 一篇介绍自己的英语小短文,70单词,还要有一小段介绍朋友的 英语要课前三分钟演讲.求人帮写关于FTIsland的小短文?高一水平的. 一个交通事故(英语短文)写一篇一次交通事故的英语短文,60个字左右哦!希望能快点看有答案.说得好给分. 写一篇关于熊猫的英语小短文 用英语写关于季节的小短文? 关于写人物外貌的一篇英语小短文 谁能帮我写一篇关于手机的英语小短文 关于写英语动物的小短文不少于五句话 写一篇交通事故的英语短文希望能在今天上午解决这个问题,急用! 写一篇关于交通事故的英语短文,100词左右.根据下列提示写英语短文.时间∶五月六日上午九点四十分.地点∶邮局附近十字路口.经过∶一绿色出租车闯红灯后与一白色轿车相撞.结果∶轿车司 英语写一小段话用with这个单词的相关用法写一小段话, my favorite subjuct为题用英语写一小段短文,50个单词左右 关于圣诞节的由来的英语小短文,不要太长,适合做小报的就今天! 谁有关于手表的英语小短文5,6句话.急,今天就要 谁能帮我写一小段关于俄罗斯的英文简介, 写一小段关于对母爱的理解和感悟