高一英语有关数词的问题 Many a students ( ) that mistake before,A has make B have make C is making D are making

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 16:46:12

高一英语有关数词的问题 Many a students ( ) that mistake before,A has make B have make C is making D are making
Many a students ( ) that mistake before,
A has make B have make C is making D are making

高一英语有关数词的问题 Many a students ( ) that mistake before,A has make B have make C is making D are making
many a/an +单数名词=many +复数名词.
many a student=many students "许多学生"
但是"many a/an +单数名词"作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式.所以选A

凭感觉应该是 A 选项

many a +可数名词单数=many+可数名词复数

students为附属 所以A、C错误
句末有before 须用过去某时态 所以D错误

怎么每一个对的。。。。。。答案全是错的吧 亲
首先 肯定应该用A或者B 犯过这样的错误, C\D正在犯错肯定是错的
而且 many a 应该接的是 student吧 而不是students
我觉得正确的句子是 Many a student has made that mistake before. 很多学生以前犯过类似的错误。
这里应该用made 而不...


怎么每一个对的。。。。。。答案全是错的吧 亲
首先 肯定应该用A或者B 犯过这样的错误, C\D正在犯错肯定是错的
而且 many a 应该接的是 student吧 而不是students
我觉得正确的句子是 Many a student has made that mistake before. 很多学生以前犯过类似的错误。
这里应该用made 而不是make 只有A最接近,但A也是错的。


首先句末before提醒我们应用现在完成时,排除C、D,many a student 后面用单数形式,所以选A。

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