
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 07:53:07


走着走着,忽然听见一个声音:“小妹妹,你放学啦?”“我”抬头一看,一位陌生的中年男子出现在“我”的面前.“嗯,放学了.”“我”随口回了一句.“我是你爸爸的同事,你不认识我了吗?”陌生人笑眯眯地对“我”说.“我”抬头看了看他,心里在回忆那些我见过的爸爸的同事,“我这有几粒好吃的糖给你吃.”说完他拉住“我”的手,拿出几粒糖给我.“我”心里在想,这个人“我”没见过呀,他是认错人还是…….“我”灵机一动问道:“你也是开卡车的吗?我爸爸今天开车去哪了?”“对!对!你爸爸开车出去了,叫我来接你”.说完陌生人剥了一粒糖,想往“我”嘴里塞.“是坏人,我爸爸根本不是开车的.”“我”心里一下子紧张起来,怎么办?平时在电视中和报刊杂志上看到过不少坏人骗小孩的案件,今天被“我”遇见了,怎么办?他手里的糖肯定有问题,“我”决不能吃.“我是不吃糖的,难道我爸爸没和你说过吗?”“我”急中生智地说,“噢,我忘了.”陌生人无奈地把糖放进袋里,“我带你去见你爸爸.”他拉着我的手说道.“我”慢吞吞地走着,大脑却在高速运转着,平时爸 爸妈妈教过我很多自救自护的方法,杂志上也有好多这方面的文章.对了,我有办法了.“每次去爸爸那里,我都会帮爸爸买包烟的,我们去小店买好烟就去爸爸那儿.”“我”笑嘻嘻地对陌生人说,“那好吧,要快点,你爸爸在等你.”看着他那自以为是的样子,“我”不禁暗暗在笑:你上当了.陌生人拉着我的手来到小店,这时,“我”指着远处迎面而来的男子说道:“爸爸,你怎么回来了.”一旁的陌生人脸一下子紧张起来,紧紧拉着我的手也突然松开了.“我”对陌生人说:“爸爸回来了,我们过去吧!”“不、 不,我有事先走了.”只见他惊慌失措地说道,然后往后面跑去,一眨眼就不见了踪影.
前年的一天,我一个人乘车回家.在路上,突然出现了一个阿姨,她对我说:“小朋友,你饿了还是渴了?”我对阿姨说:“阿姨我不饿也不渴.”我又说:“阿姨我又不认识你,你为什么要给我吃的和喝的.”“因为我是你姑姑啊!”“你别骗我了,我只有一个姑姑,在高新区.”“我真的是你姑姑在你爸爸小的时候,你爷爷带我、你姑姑和你爸爸一起出去玩.我走丢了,他们都以为我死了,但是我没有死,被好心人收养了.” “我知道你是骗子,我爸爸从来没有给我讲过.你再拦我,我可要报警了.”“好,好,我走,我马上走.”没想到我一说报警就溜了,这招还真灵.
是我错了?我太老实,正直,太天真,太幼稚?朋友说“马善被人骑,人善被人欺.”我不相信.家人说社会以后就是这样的欺软怕恶,我也不相信.我就是那么固执的相信感化的力量,我 以为我们之间应该多一份爱与信任,人人管闲事,世上无难事,不是吗?

When the first rays of the sun shines through the earth, the golden everything he awoke from a deep sleep. The birds and butterflies started singing to oneself beautiful dances. In the morning, the ha...


When the first rays of the sun shines through the earth, the golden everything he awoke from a deep sleep. The birds and butterflies started singing to oneself beautiful dances. In the morning, the harmonious and beautiful always.
"Du..du..du", and a truck voice broke the forests of harmonious society. Birds and butterflies will no longer hurried away. A car jumped down and saw him wearing a blue overalls, wearing a cap. A cigarette in his mouth, a handle on his shoulder to the forest, the axe. He went to a tree, high sleeves rolled up and he that emits light body forward the axe, and tried to split to trunk. The tree because "excessive blood loss and died down. Then, the trees in his axe down fall one by one, the "rumbling" voice, not just before his death in the painful moans? But regardless of how painful trees that woodcutter won't know. The woodcutters leisurely and smiled, still in cutting down trees. As deforestation, animals start, they fled competitively as also in recounting: our home! At this moment, a woodpecker was the last straw. It flew to the woodcutter's shoulders, ruthlessly pecked the woodcutter's head, and uttered a twitter of anger in this wood: there must be worm......
This is a cartoon book of language, the people who cut down trees, remind people of ugliness to take good care of forest resources, don't let "greedy" and "selfish", "" the foolish in the brain to turn our growth. But they are extraordinary cunning, while people in total no awareness of the situation people's minds. Paralysis Once the paralyzed, people really become "a worm wood".
This is the only "greedy" the worm. "Greedy" by people is the heart of greed breed. People too greedy at any cost money, money, will trees into our pockets. The chuai His pocket was drum, the trees are sharply reduced the can, At the same time, it is also the only "selfish" bug. It makes people reckless, only personal interests, regardless of how others' feelings, This is the only "bug. It makes people don't GuSenLin resources to reduce, also continue to open, the world's number of trees with surprising speed down! People is the only to turn in the trick, it makes people don't know oneself will face extinction. From this aspect, how foolish humans! Although people in the trees, the many benefits of get but they don't want to do in the future. It will make people to "the goose that lays the golden eggs.
The forest is the carbon dioxide absorbed us, we humans exhale needed oxygen, how can we bite the hand that feeds you, the trees on killing? This is also too cruel? Nature is fair, but still not satisfied, human remains to cut down trees. This forced the nature of natural disasters to threaten people use. People always complain about the nature of unfair, but people have tried to punish yourself why nature? I don't think so, because people are selfish interests! If humans and tree bear deforestation, human exchange, then people will think?
If you go on like this, the consequence is unimaginable. According to a survey of global forest, already was cut in the half, the main reason is that human activities. Now, the world's forests from 1990 to 2000 39.6 hectares decline of 38 million hectares. The loss of forests worldwide each year almost million hectares. Due to the rapid growth of population, the unlimited, forest destruction grazing, grassland, green vegetation destruction also suffered serious damage. If the world without forest, terrestrial creatures will reduce 90%, there will be 250 million species extinction. When the forest when human disappear again, that everything has found it too late.
We should constantly remind yourself, don't waste life in each resource, don't let "greedy" and "selfish", "" the three sinister ignorance about accepting the erosion of the damned we thought. Wake up! Greed, selfish, ignorance of people! Let trees grew from earth again, let the earth, with green!





