改下面几个英语句子中的错.When do you usually go to home?Have you ever been to city before?They live on third floor.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 17:10:47

改下面几个英语句子中的错.When do you usually go to home?Have you ever been to city before?They live on third floor.
When do you usually go to home?
Have you ever been to city before?
They live on third floor.

改下面几个英语句子中的错.When do you usually go to home?Have you ever been to city before?They live on third floor.
1.When do you usually go home.( go home 回家)
2.Have you evern been to the city before.( the 特指)
3.They live on the third floor.( 序数词前要加the )

1、go home
2、gone to
3、on the third floor.

1句去掉go后面的to. 2句city前加the. 3句在on 后面加上the

1. 去掉home之前的to:home是副词,前面不能加介词
2. city前加the,特指“这座城市”

改下面几个英语句子中的错.When do you usually go to home?Have you ever been to city before?They live on third floor. 有没有英语高手懂悬垂修饰语帮我改下面几个句子 帮我改几个英语句子,不要乱做噶把两个句子改成一个句子(宾语从句)1when where the train arriveplease go and find out2His teacher tointed out TOM hadn't studied hard enough3That depend onHow do you do it 4everyone knowsMone 英语句子改一般过去式怎么改?为什么这样改?举几个例子, 说出几个日常生活中的英语句子 英语句子改错,请问下面句子有没有错,如果有请改一下,但只能改一个单词,he was walking to school the other day when he let a bicycle ran right into him请问是为什么 帮我看看下面的英语句子中的理解It is not how much time you allocate for study that counts but how much you learn when you do study.重要的不是你分配了多少时间去学习,而是你在学习时学到了多少东西.句子中的t 单词组句子do people eat in when dinner China这几个单词怎么组成句子? 英语的把错得句子改成对的,形式什么的事初一的英语错的:1.We are going play in the park together.2.she's go to stay here next week.3.A What you going to do?B I going to buy some fiowers.以上句子改成对的.下面还有3小 下面这个句子哪里错了?What do you do yesterday?知道应该改为过去式,但不知道怎么改,不能把yesterday去掉 几个英语句子中的疑惑1.If you choose to spend all of your time enjoying the freedom and forget the need to study or do homework, you will not do (as well) on your classes and will not look (as good)to potential employers when you graduate. 小学6年级怎么改对画线句子提问.英语.怎么改?给几个题. when do you do 改同义句when do you do ____your ____?这样填空 改 问几个英语句子的意思1.Do you watch TV when you eat?2.Do you brush your teeth before you go to bad?3.Do you go to work without breakfast every morning? 英语改句子, 英语改句子错误, 英语.改句子 英语练习题 改句子