英语和介词有关选择Besides being able to work for three days without drinking,camels can also live for a long time _____ small quantities of food.这里为什么要用on?而不用by或inits quite ___beyond___ me why such things have been allo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 18:38:15

英语和介词有关选择Besides being able to work for three days without drinking,camels can also live for a long time _____ small quantities of food.这里为什么要用on?而不用by或inits quite ___beyond___ me why such things have been allo
Besides being able to work for three days without drinking,camels can also live for a long time _____ small quantities of food.
its quite ___beyond___ me why such things have been allowed to happen.
I'd love to.I can't wait to leave this place__behind__.

英语和介词有关选择Besides being able to work for three days without drinking,camels can also live for a long time _____ small quantities of food.这里为什么要用on?而不用by或inits quite ___beyond___ me why such things have been allo
live on 固定词组 靠.为生
后面主要加事物 the southern people live on rice 南方人以吃大米为生
live in 居住在哪里 live in China
live by 一般加 doing 以做什么为生 比如 live by selling newspaper 以卖报纸为生
beyond sb 超出某人承受(理解、学习)能力 就是超出...能力
leave behind 放在身后 就是离开的意思 比如
I want to live in the city but I can not leave my hometown behind
我想去城市住 但是我放不下自己的家乡





1. live on 靠。。。为生(生活)
2.it's beyond me这事我不清楚
3. leave behind 留下;遗留;超过

live on vi. 以...为食;靠...生活

下面的你要把横线的词填出来啊 根据句意 才知道

英语和介词有关选择Besides being able to work for three days without drinking,camels can also live for a long time _____ small quantities of food.这里为什么要用on?而不用by或inits quite ___beyond___ me why such things have been allo 英语介词填空和单项选择 德语:bei mir zu 德语:bei mir zu Hause.bei和zu都是介词,在我的房子里,怎么还用两个介词? 初三英语介词选择填空 英语介词宾语英语介词后能接形容词宾语么?为什么有的语法书把形容词和副词都归于能做介词宾语一类呢?I know it from old .形容词I can`t for long.副词 又说形容词做介词宾语是为省略了动名词bei 一道英语选词填空He goes to work early on weekdays ( ) Saturday and Sunday.有两个选择:except和besides 选哪个 英语选择适当介词短语填空急 英语 1.介词填空 2.单项选择 德语关于介词bei的用法Wie war das bei dir?为什么不能用别的介词 英语介词和汉语介词有区别吗?最近在网上找英语介词的有关知识,知识范围有点混乱, 介词zu和bei在表示时间有何区别?字面的意思都是“在……时” 大家帮忙做一道英语选择填空题~What else do you like________(besides/except)swimming? 德语 WIR HABEN BEI HERRN WANG DEUTSCHUNTERRICHT怎么翻译.这里的BEI介词 表示什么谢谢 和dream有关的介词短语 介词和副词填空,英语 数词和介词英语怎么说? 英语介词题1.I well buy two pair of shoes_____$50.2.We have socks _____all colors.3.I eat an egg _____breakfast.4.It is far away _____China_____America.5.Where is Llily?We all here ____her.(第五题是选择)A.besides B.about C.cxpect D.with 德语里,在某处上班,有时用介词in,in einer Firma,有时用介词bei,bei Siemens,何时用in,何时用bei?