can anyone tell me what's the difference between while and when

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:26:27

can anyone tell me what's the difference between while and when
can anyone tell me what's the difference between while and when

can anyone tell me what's the difference between while and when
when 和while的用法区别
①when是at or during the time that, 既指时间点,也可指一段时间;
while是during the time that,只指一段时间,因此when引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性动词,也可以是延续性动词,而while从句中的动词必须是延续性动词.
②when 说明从句的动作和主句的动作可以是同时,也可以是先后发生;while 则强调主句的动作在从句动作的发生的过程中或主从句两个动作同时发生.
a. When the teacher came in, we were talking.
While we were talking, the teacher came in.
b. They were singing while we were dancing.
④when和while 还可作并列连词.when表示“在那时”;while表示“而,却”,表对照关系.如:
a. The children were running to move the bag of rice when they heard the sound of a motor bike.
b. He is strong while his brother is weak.