英语翻译请帮忙翻译一下第36课(只翻功能1也好,即T36-1-1到T36-1-3).如有哪位高手对这一课较熟悉,请介绍一下(我只知道功能1是听信息,功能2、3是新闻报道).另外,T36-1-1An arbitrator today blocked

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 09:45:57

英语翻译请帮忙翻译一下第36课(只翻功能1也好,即T36-1-1到T36-1-3).如有哪位高手对这一课较熟悉,请介绍一下(我只知道功能1是听信息,功能2、3是新闻报道).另外,T36-1-1An arbitrator today blocked
An arbitrator today blocked a National Football League plan to randomly test NFL players for illegal drugs.Arbitrator Richard Casher responding to a grievance filed by the NFL Players Association said the plan violates the players' contract.The Commissioner Pete Rozelle had announced the drug testing proposal in July.It called for two surprise tests during the football season,but Casher said Rozelle lacks the power to implement the plan without going through the collective bargaining process.
NASA today gave an update on its efforts to remodel space shuttle booster rockets.A faulty booster caused the shuttle Challenger to explode in January.NPR's Richard Harris has details."NASA engineer John Thomas says the rocket testing program is progressing just about on schedule.He says redesign booster rockets should be available for a space shuttle launch in February 1988.Engineers have simulated the exact problem the caused the shuttle disaster in January.They've also started testing the remodeled components.Thomas admitted that testing could take longer if NASA follows the advice of independent engineers at the National Research Council.Those engineers suggested additional tests beyond what NASA has planned.But Thomas said NASA might run some of those tests after the first shuttle flight.For example,NASA might delay tests for unusually hot or cold launch conditions.He said NASA would just make sure the weather was mild at lift-off until those tests were completed.This is Richard Harris in Washington."
Religious leaders from around the world joined Pope John Paul II today in a day of prayer for peace.The leaders gathered at the birthplace of Saint Francis of Assisi in Italy to pray according to their own rites.

英语翻译请帮忙翻译一下第36课(只翻功能1也好,即T36-1-1到T36-1-3).如有哪位高手对这一课较熟悉,请介绍一下(我只知道功能1是听信息,功能2、3是新闻报道).另外,T36-1-1An arbitrator today blocked
今天全国足球联赛的计划受阻随机试验电台球员涉嫌非法药物. 仲裁员理查德提起申诉窗口接球员协会表示,由电台系统计划违反了球员合同. Rozelle监理特曾宣布在七月提出药物检测. 它呼吁两位突击测试期间足球季节 但窗口说Rozelle无力执行该计划经过集体谈判进程. T36-1-2美国宇航局今天发表的最新努力改装航天飞机的火箭助推器. 一个助推器失灵造成航天飞机挑战者爆炸1. 回复的理查德哈里斯已细节. "托马斯说,美国宇航局工程师约翰火箭测试计划进度如期差不多. 他说,应重新火箭助推器可在1988年2月发射的航天飞机. 工程师们模拟航天飞机的确切问题造成的灾难日. 许久也开始试探改装零件. 托马斯承认,如果美国宇航局测试可能需要较长的意见后,在国家研究理事会独立工程师. 这些额外的测试工程师提议超出美国宇航局计划. 托马斯说,美国宇航局但也有些人可能会冒后首次航天飞机飞行测试. 例如 美国宇航局可能立即测试发射条件异常炎热或寒冷. 他说美国宇航局只想让天气和暖时起飞,直到完成这些试验. 这是理查德哈里斯在华盛顿举行. " T36-1-3名来自世界各地的宗教领袖参加教宗若望保禄二世今天在天祈祷和平. 领袖齐集诞生地阿西西的圣方济在意大利根据自己祈祷仪式.