急求吉他谱,先加50分!随便gp谱也好,文字谱也好,或哪个高人帮我扒一下和弦也行!Johnny Mathis的,Christmas Magic这个专机的,非常好听!如果不是确切知道的就不要回答了,不要象一楼那样随便说个吉

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 00:05:29

急求吉他谱,先加50分!随便gp谱也好,文字谱也好,或哪个高人帮我扒一下和弦也行!Johnny Mathis的,Christmas Magic这个专机的,非常好听!如果不是确切知道的就不要回答了,不要象一楼那样随便说个吉
Johnny Mathis的,Christmas Magic这个专机的,非常好听!
说mysongbook的那个,你说错了吧,没有s 的,我早找过了,根本没有,只有a child is born,不是同一首歌.

急求吉他谱,先加50分!随便gp谱也好,文字谱也好,或哪个高人帮我扒一下和弦也行!Johnny Mathis的,Christmas Magic这个专机的,非常好听!如果不是确切知道的就不要回答了,不要象一楼那样随便说个吉
C Am G7 C
  a ray of hope flickers in the sky
  G Fm G7
  a tiny star lights up way up high
  Fm G Em
  all across the land dawns a brand new morn
  Am G Dm G7 C
  this comes to pass when a child is born
  C Am Dm G7 C
  a silent wish sails the seven seas
  G Fm G7
  the wind of change whisper in the trees
  Fm G Em
  and the walls of doubt crumble tossed and torn
  Am G Dm G7 C
  this comes to pass,when a child is born
  C Am Dm G7 C
  a rosy hue settles all around
  G Fm G7
  you got to feel,you'reon solid ground
  Fm G Em
  for a spell or tow no one seems forlorn
  Am G Dm G7 C
  this comes to pass,when a child is born
  and all of this happens,because the world is waiting.
  waiting for one child, black-white-yellow, on one knows...
  but a child that will grow up and turn tears to laughter,
  hate to love, war to peace and everyoneto everyone's neighbor,
  and misery and suffering will be words to be forgotten forever
  C Am Dm G7 C
  it's all a dream and illusion now
  G Fm g7
  it must come ture sometime soon somehow
  Fm G Em
  all across the land dawns a brand new morn
  Am G Dm G7 C
  this comes to pass when a child is born

急求吉他谱,先加50分!随便gp谱也好,文字谱也好,或哪个高人帮我扒一下和弦也行!Johnny Mathis的,Christmas Magic这个专机的,非常好听!如果不是确切知道的就不要回答了,不要象一楼那样随便说个吉 急求一篇文章《我眼中的海子》随便说一下自己对海子的看法也好 求We are young的全部谱吉他谱,钢琴谱,等. 急求10道2元1次方程组应用题 先个50分如果快加10分只要题目和列式和答案....没过程没所谓只要初一的现在不少分了速度来 最近国内外大事加200字评论RT,事情越短越好,评论200字左右,随便你从哪找来的也好,只要200字左右就行.6篇,有追加分. 急求mocca - on the night like this的吉他谱 新浪微博:这su不太冷 急求right here waiting for you吉他谱 有谁知道请告诉我 急求一些描写古代女子,男子服装发式相貌的句子.诗句也好,文句也好 isn't she lovely的吉他谱啊求吉他谱啊 50分 急求泰戈尔的读后感 好的话加30分 600个字左右 快 求tell laura i love her这首歌的吉他谱...哪个高手帮我扒下这首歌的谱..只有和旋也可以 最好是能有六线的..有六线的加10分 下面是歌词:laura and tommy were lovershe wanted to give her everythingflowers,present Rocky Mountain High 吉他谱要和专辑里的一样的原版吉他谱!不要简单的谱.如果有特别好的谱,加更多分!只要图片的,不要txt的,也不要GTP的.而且最好不要一大堆扫弦,要分解的.怎么没人回答啊! 急求议论文关于盲目从众的.网站也好. 急求甜甜私房猫全集mp4/3gp下载地址, 求一篇描写花的作文500字的急!500字就行多的不要好的加20分先给五分 求GJ+GP的最小值! pump GP-scavenge 求中文翻译 that should be me吉他谱很急~~~~~~~~~~~~