英语two days ago 和the day before yesterday 区别这个问题弄得 我 中文 都糊涂了.我是在复习间接引语和直接引语里遇到的.two days ago 和 three days before 互换.the day before yesterday 和 two days before 互换.照

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 03:10:13

英语two days ago 和the day before yesterday 区别这个问题弄得 我 中文 都糊涂了.我是在复习间接引语和直接引语里遇到的.two days ago 和 three days before 互换.the day before yesterday 和 two days before 互换.照
英语two days ago 和the day before yesterday 区别
这个问题弄得 我 中文 都糊涂了.
two days ago 和 three days before 互换.
the day before yesterday 和 two days before 互换.
照上面的意思来说 .two days ago 就不等于 the day before yesterday了?
两天前不就是 昨天,昨天不就是两天前么?

英语two days ago 和the day before yesterday 区别这个问题弄得 我 中文 都糊涂了.我是在复习间接引语和直接引语里遇到的.two days ago 和 three days before 互换.the day before yesterday 和 two days before 互换.照
ago表示“从现在起的若干时间以前”,意思是“距今……以前”,需和过去时或过去进行时连用.before泛指“从过去起的若干时间以前”,意思是 “距过去某时……以前”“与其……(毋宁)”,常和完成时连用,尤其在间接引语中,如:I visited him three days ago,but he had gone to Shanghai a week before.我三天前去访问他,但他已于那时的一周前到上海去了.
His parents died ten years ago.他父母十年前都去世了.
He said that his parents had died ten years before.他说他父母亲十年前都去世了.
I have never been there before.我以前从来没有去过那里.

two days ago= three days before,感觉应该是“大前天”;
the day before yesterday,是“前天”.

He said:"I came here the day before yestoday."=He said he came here two days ago.第一个是直接引语的。

the day before yesterday 是前天的意思丫,昨天的前一天,不就是前天嘛?
two days before 就是前天丫
two days ago 就是两天再前面,也就第三天了

英语two days ago 和the day before yesterday 区别two days ago 和the day before yesterday 是否相等,为什么?也就是说two days ago 不等于two days before (我知道ago 以现在时间算起,before 以过去的时间算起 . 英语 two days ago 和the day before yesterday ,two days before这个问题弄得 我 中文 都糊涂了.我是在复习间接引语和直接引语里遇到的.two days ago 和 three days before 互换.the day before yesterday 和 two days before in two days,two days ago和the day before yesterday直接改间接引语怎样改? 英语two days ago 和the day before yesterday 区别这个问题弄得 我 中文 都糊涂了.我是在复习间接引语和直接引语里遇到的.two days ago 和 three days before 互换.the day before yesterday 和 two days before 互换.照 英语the day before yesterday 等于 two days 这个问题弄得 我 中文 都糊涂了.我是在复习间接引语和直接引语里遇到的.two days ago 和 three days before 互换.the day before yesterday 和 two days before 互换.照上面 I borrowed the book two days ago.改为现在完成时急需 the day before是否等于two days ago 同义句 Two days ago,I was surprised at the news.Two days ago,I was___ ____ ____ the news. two day ago等于 the day before yesterday 和two days before 吗?这个问题弄得 我 中文 都糊涂了.我是在复习间接引语和直接引语里遇到的.two days ago 和 three days before 互换.the day before yesterday 和 two days before He borrowed the book two days ago.(改为同义句)The book ********* by him for two days. I borrowed the book two days ago(同义句) I ___ ____ the book ____ two days. Mary went to look after her grandpa in the hospital( )要语法 A.befor two days B.in two days C.two days ago This is the book .I bought this book two days ago. (合并一句)This is the book I two days ago 对studied for the math 提问Jim studied for the math exam two days ago. The lion _______(bite)the net two days ago.适当形式 He said to me,“I saw the film two days ago.”变为宾语从句.主要是two days ago可变为哪三个词. i went home two days ago现在完成时 he lift shanghai two days ago[保】