
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 07:11:43


If you share the same goal,then there is simply no give and take in love; what exists is only cherishing or not cherishing,abandoning or otherwise.If there is love and take,it only shows you don't think alike.

if what you want is the same, then in love, there is no give and take. it would only be whether or not you cherish it, give it up or don't give it up. if there is, it only says that maybe what you all think is not alike.

If they have same target, then there are no give & ask for, just value the other one or not, for give or not; if there are, then it just can express what your think may vary from the other.

If you share the same goal, there will not be such thing as "give and take" in love, If there is, it's just because you don't really know each other. Love is only about cherishing it or giving it up.

In case of the same goal, there is no giving or taking in the love, but only cherishing or giving-up. Or, that merely means you have a different thought.

regardless of the different thoughts you may be holding, there ain't any giving or taking in love, but only cherishing or withdrawing.

If the goal is the same,therefore,in love there is no giving and getting, only having cherish or not,abandon or not if having, maybe you think in different ways .

If both of you share the same dream, then love means only cherish or not, give up or not, and there's no give and take in it; if there is, it shows that both of you are not seeing eye to eye.


Aim at the same ,no love digit & souling,only sure or not sure & giving up or not giving up,
if so ,it shows thought not resultable.


If the target is similar, basically didn't give and obtain so in the love, only cherish or don't cherish, give up or don't give up, if having that can explain that you think probably differently.

英语翻译原文如下:如果目标是一样的话,那么在爱情里根本就没有给与和索取,只有珍惜或者不珍惜,放弃或者不放弃,如果有那只能说明你们想的也许不一样. 英语翻译如果是最佳的话, 英语翻译最好是所有的,原文的话也行! 人生如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电是那里面的话,原文是什么?好像这是一部佛经里面说的话,谁知道佛经原文? 英语翻译那如果是“在小岛附近的海岸”的话,这句话神马结构? 英语翻译一定是要书上的原文不然不是节选的话,那篇文章太长了书上是节选的应该少点吧。 仿写一句和“如果前面是一片海,那就做一条乘风破浪的船”语境一样的话 安徽处于地震带吗?如果是的话,那淮南会不会出现像四川一样的大地震?请大家帮个忙, 英语翻译是原文,是原文是原文,是原文 英语翻译三维目标是指教学目标中的三维目标 如果是我的话.用英语翻译怎么说? 英语翻译有人回答了的话 就不用回答来如果回意思都差不多一样的话 . 英语翻译原文的话搜索一下这一句就好了 英语翻译(中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:感谢您的回信.如果可以的话我想向您预约一个时间.关于这个案子我有如下的看法:1.以我对Nancy还是畏惧法律的,她 英语翻译翻译内容如下:如果可以的话,我们明年会来北京参观并且拜访你们. 英语翻译这是原文 英语翻译这是原文! 英语翻译原文是文言文