
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 10:40:55


我自己写的,没参考任何资料,如有考虑不周到的地方,请见谅The abolition of death penalty,which has been debated for more than 200 years in the world.A number of schollars advocate the abolition of the death penalty,its main starting point was beneficail to the protection and development of human rights,contributing to improving the awareness of value and the punishiment through humanitarianism .There are even some more schoolars based on a particular country ,a district or a special period ,taking the attitude that death panelty should not be abolished at once,which needed time being compeleted.Owing to the exsistence of death panelty,which has not been harmonious with a varity of factors related to the historical period accordingly,what's more,it still has a positive impact on society.However,we are supposed to consider much of criminals ,especially helping to protect their fundernental rights and give them humanitarianism saving,most importantly,putting offenders under surveillance more should be reinforced.With this stalemate,I also agree that China shouldn't abolish death penalty now,but reinforce and perfect the executions of death penalty,offender managment,education in particular.

The death penalty saves to discard, have already disputed for more than 200 years within the scope of world.There are many scholars propose rescind the death penalty, its point of departure...


The death penalty saves to discard, have already disputed for more than 200 years within the scope of world.There are many scholars propose rescind the death penalty, its point of departure is mainly" be good for protection and developments of human rights, contribute to people's concept of value's promote and humane etc. of the penalty".And also have too much scholar owing to some one nation or regions or some one consideration of the special and period present condition, lay claim to shouldn't rescind the death penalty completely and immediately, is to should abandon in good time.Because the existence of the death penalty, did not attain the ground of 境 that can't temper with various related factor of this history stage;And it still develops again the actively social function.But we also value the protection to the criminal correspond especially basic human rights of human rights and the salvage of the humanitarianisms, the humanization that even want to enhance the management of the jail.Hold mutually with this, I also agree with China in present stage and shouldn't rescind the death penalty, but is related with it to carry out such as the death penalty, criminal management and educate etc. and should continue perfect and strengthen.


英语翻译死刑的存废,已在世界范围内争论了二百多年.有许多学者倡议废除死刑,其出发点主要是“有益于人权的保护与发展,有助于人们价值观念的提升以及刑罚的人道等”.而也有甚多学者 英语翻译死刑的产生、发展及现状世界范围内死刑的存废观 死刑存在价值及局限性限制死刑的适用对象完善死刑复核条件 英语翻译对我国死刑制度的一些认识摘要:200多年前,意大利著名刑法学家贝卡利亚所著《论犯罪与刑罚》面世后,其中关于死刑的存废问题引起了重大的学术争议.立足于具体现实进行探索,从 英语翻译关于死刑存废的国际法与国内法选择看完爱国电影 《东京审判》 ,心中有激动有感慨更有很多思考.对于我们来说,与其说它是一部爱国电影,不如说它是一部法制电影,一部给我们在刑 死刑在人类历史上很早就有了,但随着社会的进步,许多国家已废除死刑,我国应该废除死刑吗? “友好的争论”英语翻译 英语翻译死刑不但不人道,反而变相的增加了犯罪率.显而易见,xx国家应该废除死刑.这句话英语怎么说. 英语翻译近年来,随着经济的飞速发展,环境的污染日趋严重,企业社会责任在世界范围内越来越受关注,它已成为在学术界引起广泛关注的问题. 英语翻译莪的爱情.被判死刑 英语翻译瑜伽作为当今世上新兴潮流,已发展为世界范围内最热门的健身健心方式,近年来也在我国风靡起来.本文采用文献研究法,通过作者本人的亲身体验,探讨了瑜伽历史的演变、瑜伽的各 她的歌曲受欢迎的程度在世界范围内上升了.请用英语翻译下,并可以告诉我是哪个句式 为什么资本主义制度在世界范围内的确立为第二次工业革命提供了政治保障 中世纪是奴隶制度在世界范围内占统治地位的时期.这句话咋错了? 现在是不是有钱人的世界有钱人可以杀人不用死刑 资本主义制度在世界大范围内确立前后用了多长时间? 求翻译下,下面的句子!多谢啊,我说的是英文最近几年对死刑的争论愈演愈烈 英语翻译随着互联网的不断发展,基于互联网的电子商务也应运而生,在世界范围内掀起了一股电子商务热潮,并在近年来获得了巨大的发展,成为一种全新的商务模式,被许多经济专家认为是新 世界共发生了几次全球范围内的经济危机