father有复数吗?their father or their fathers?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:18:03

father有复数吗?their father or their fathers?
father有复数吗?their father or their fathers?

father有复数吗?their father or their fathers?
their father 和 their fathers都正确,如果“他们”是兄弟姐妹,那就用their father,如果不是兄弟姐妹那就用their fathers

father 可数名词,有复数。fathers

their fathers

father是可数名词 如果是几个father在一起 当然是fathers 另一种情况 如果有很多小孩 但他们是同一个爸爸所生 这时就应该是their father

father有复数吗?their father or their fathers? your friend 算第三人称吗?their father算复数吗?have got什么时候用? mouther和father有没有复数? Father told me fish ___ (sleep) with their eyes open.这一题该填什么?这里的fish是可数名词吗?是单数还是复数? 英语翻译their chance for staying fat不理解有没a chance for doing这个短语? father和fat两个单词中的a,字母发音相同吗? what's her father ( He's fat father的复数形式 My father is tall and fat.对tall and fat 提问my father is tall and fat对tall and fat提问 ( )( )your father? which man is their father? [ ]is their father? their= [ ] which man is their father?[ ]is their father?their= [ ] all their lives 和their whole lives有区别吗?In the area where Wang Lung,his father and his father's father had lived__________,there were famines once in five years.A.all their lives B.their whole lives 答案选A而不选B,为什么呢? in their opinion 中的 opinion有复数么? my classmates s father是名词复数吗 为什么“父亲节”的英语是 father's day用——father的单数,而“妇女节”的英语women's day 用woman的复数他们都有什么规律吗?还有teachers' day_用teacher的复数…… Discuss waht they were made of and explain their use.可以说一下这里的use 为什么不用复数吗?they不是有复数的意思吗? buy their own house,前面有their后面不是应该用houses复数吗,怎么一般都是用house的单数 You are the big fat pig 语法有错误吗?