
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 15:03:29


In Western cultures,maintaing eye contact in conversations is necessary.As a matter of fact,a westerner might consider a lack of eye contact as a lack of attention.
But in many Asian cultures,avoiding eye contact shows respect. It is done when talking with anyone in authority or with anyone older.
Eye contact is a subtle thing.Avoiding eye contact might be considered impolite,but staring at others is also considered rude and should be avoided.

we should look into other people's eyes when we are talking, which shows we are listening to others carefully.otherwise, people will feel we don't respect them . But it is rude to stare at others all the time.

Topic, this shouldn't see each other eyes
Should that says to focus on listen to, watch word may let others feel not respect him.
But not excessive staring at that's discourteous.

Question: should we look at the other's eyes during our dialog?
Yes, that shows you are listening intentively, otherwise, they will think you don't respect them.
However, you can't stare at him and it's too impolite.

We should look at people's eyes while talking . If not , they may think you don't respect them . Butwe shouldn't stare at them, that will show that you are impolite .

wheter we should look at the eyes of peole you are talking to. or not?
yes ,we shold.it shows you are listenning to him/her very carefully.And if not,it may let him/her feel not be respected. Cert...


wheter we should look at the eyes of peole you are talking to. or not?
yes ,we shold.it shows you are listenning to him/her very carefully.And if not,it may let him/her feel not be respected. Certainly,It's also impolite to stare at the people when they are talking.


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