英语中与stay有关的短语用法请问“I stayed in your beautiful country on the days"中可以用“for the days"吗,这个句子中的stay……on……,是否是stay on短语的拆开形式?stay for这个短语可不可以拆开用?另外,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:25:03

英语中与stay有关的短语用法请问“I stayed in your beautiful country on the days"中可以用“for the days"吗,这个句子中的stay……on……,是否是stay on短语的拆开形式?stay for这个短语可不可以拆开用?另外,
请问“I stayed in your beautiful country on the days"中可以用“for the days"吗,这个句子中的stay……on……,是否是stay on短语的拆开形式?
stay for这个短语可不可以拆开用?
另外,请问一下stay on 与stay for都有哪些意思?stay是不及物的吧?

英语中与stay有关的短语用法请问“I stayed in your beautiful country on the days"中可以用“for the days"吗,这个句子中的stay……on……,是否是stay on短语的拆开形式?stay for这个短语可不可以拆开用?另外,
及物动词时:stop, delay, postpone or check (sth) 停止, 延缓, 推迟, 控制(某事物): stay (ie delay) punishment/judgement 延缓惩罚[审判] * stay the progress of a disease 防止病情恶化 * a little food to stay (ie temporarily satisfy) one's hunger 暂且充饥的一点食物
To remain during:
在…期间停留:stayed the week with my parents; stayed the duration of the game.那个星期和父母呆在一起;比赛一直持续
To wait for; await:
等待;等:“I will not stay thy questions. Let me go;/Or if thou follow me, do not believe/But I shall do thee mischief in the wood”(&b{Shakespeare})“我不会等你发问.让我走;/或者如果你跟着我,不相信的话/我会在林中对你捣乱”

remain or continue in the same place (for a long or short time, permanently or temporarily, as specified by the context); not depart or change 停留; 留下; 住; 在某处呆一段时间: stay (at) home, ie not go out or to work 呆在家里 * stay late at the office 在办公室呆到很晚 * I'm afraid I can't stay, ie I must leave now. 很抱歉, 我得走了. * stay in the house, in bed, in one's room, etc 呆在房子里﹑ 床上﹑ 房间里等 * stay in teaching, journalism, etc, ie not change one's job 继续教书﹑ 从事新闻工作等 * stay away from (ie not go to) school 不上学 * Stay on this road for two miles then turn left. 沿这条路走两英里, 然後向左拐. * Stay here until I come back. 我回来之前你别走. * We stayed to see what would happen. 我们留下来看进一步的发展. * I can only stay a few minutes. 我只能呆上几分钟. => Usage at and 用法见and. (b) [La, Ln] continue in a certain state 维持某状态: stay awake 不睡觉 * stay single, ie not marry 不结婚 * He never stays sober for long. 他不醉的时候不多. * They stayed friends for years. 他们的友谊维持了多年.
[I, Ipr, In/pr] remain or live somewhere temporarily, esp as a visitor or a guest 逗留, 暂住(尤指过访或作客时): It's late why don't you stay (ie for the night)? 很晚了--你就在这儿过夜好吗? * stay in a hotel 住在旅馆里 * Why don't you come to stay with us next time you visit Durham? 下次来达勒姆就住在我们这儿好吗? * Jenny's staying in Dublin for a few days, but she now lives/is now living (ie has her home) in Belfast. 珍妮目前在都柏林小住几日, 她的家是在贝尔法斯特. * stay the night with sb, ie sleep at sb's house for the night 在某人家过夜.

stay on
(a) remain in position on top of sth 留在某物上面: My hat won't stay on properly. 我这帽子总也戴不正. (b) remain alight, burning, running, etc 保持某种活动状态(亮着﹑ 烧着﹑ 运动着...): The TV stays on all day at this place. 这个地方的电视成天开着. stay on (at...) remain at (a place of study, employment, etc) after others have left (别人走後)留在(学习﹑ 工作等的地方): He stayed on at university to do research. 他留在大学里做研究工作.
stay for/to sth
remain at a person's house for (a meal) 留在某人家(吃饭): Won't you stay for/to supper? 你吃了晚饭再走好吗?
stay in
(a) not go outdoors 不出门; 呆在家里: The doctor advised me to stay in for a few days. 医生嘱我在家休息几天. (b) remain at school after others have left, esp as a punishment 课後留在学校(尤指作为惩罚).

至于这里为什么用on,我个人认为和stay 没有关系,一般说on the days. 或者是in the days.