
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 14:01:02


Today is the end of July,2009.I feel so empty,I got nothing though I have been waited for so long.I keep asking myself if it's worthy to do that,but the answer is always positive.Maybe wha I have done means nothing to her,but still I will never give up just because I LOVE you,and I will never regret loving you.Maybe the future is bloom to us but I will spend my whole life on your happiness.No matter what,I wish I could always be with you.I LOVE U.


It is the last day in July of 09 years today, the heart is the inanition like this. That waited to bring is only all in vain, do the ones that never stop ask oneself is really worthy like this ...But ...


It is the last day in July of 09 years today, the heart is the inanition like this. That waited to bring is only all in vain, do the ones that never stop ask oneself is really worthy like this ...But always the very fast affirmation ..Perhaps all devotion of mine is the blank, but I insist on ..Because I love you ...I will not regret, perhaps you and I will have no result but I want to say the life of what I would like to use changes your happiness in all one's life ..Can hope I defending youing eternal, what it is no matter in future ....


Today is the last day of July in 2009. My heart is so deserted that I feel my wait just ends up in vain.I keep asking myself if everything is worth it. My answer is always affirmative. Perhaps what I ...


Today is the last day of July in 2009. My heart is so deserted that I feel my wait just ends up in vain.I keep asking myself if everything is worth it. My answer is always affirmative. Perhaps what I have done for you means nothing, but I will insist because I LOVE YOU. I won't regret my decision. There is slim chance that we can be together. However,I am gonna tell you that I will give you happiness even at the cost of my life. I hope I can be your guardian no matter what the future holds for us.


今天是2009年6月15日星期一,本月的最后一天是 英语翻译是中学生的英语翻译大赛.11月30日截止,今天是最后一天,不过,过了今天就没用了. 英语翻译今天是09年7月的最后一天,心是如此的空虚.等待换来的只是一场空,总是不停的问自己,这样真的值得吗...但又总是很快的肯定..或许我的一切付出都是空白,但我还是坚持..因为我爱你. 假如今天是生命的最后一天, 英语翻译“今天是一个特别的日子~除夕,也是2010年的最后一天.今天所有人都很高兴!我今天吃过年夜饭就 “今天是快乐的一天”英语翻译 英语翻译今天是2013年的第一天,元旦节. 英语翻译 今天是2015年的第一天 英语翻译你够买的BURBERRY围巾有两款暂时缺货,由于中国新年假期的开始,2月11日——2月20日【7天假期】是中国的法定节假日春节,春节期间邮局是不工作的,今天【2月10日】是邮局最后一天收取 如果09年2月6号是第一天,那么今天是第几天?今天 是6月10号.. 今天数2013年3月6日星期三,你能想办法算一算这个月的最后一天31日是星期几? 作文【假如今天是我生命的最后一天】 假如今天是我生命的最后一天 今天是一年的最后一天 用文言文怎么说 今天是我上班的最后一天,想写个临别感言 今天是2010的最后一天,有什么感想? 今天是2010的最后一天,有什么感想?好 今天是2010的最后一天,有什么感想?2