that从句后可以加there be句型吗?如It is inmportant that there are enough water can be provided for us.(我自己编的句子)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 12:14:19

that从句后可以加there be句型吗?如It is inmportant that there are enough water can be provided for us.(我自己编的句子)
that从句后可以加there be句型吗?如It is inmportant that there are enough water can be provided for us.(我自己编的句子)

that从句后可以加there be句型吗?如It is inmportant that there are enough water can be provided for us.(我自己编的句子)

首先water是不可数的 应该用 there is enough water,其次,为什么非要用that?直接it is important for us to have enough water 完事


There be 句型后的定语从句可以接that不 that从句后可以加there be句型吗?如It is inmportant that there are enough water can be provided for us.(我自己编的句子) 一个简单的定语从句问题.在线等.在定语从句中,there be 句型后,亦用who还是that? there be 句型作宾语从句可加that吗?如题,he is surprised (that) there are-----请问,这个that 定语从句,如果从句为there be 句型那关系词用that,谁能举个例子? hope后可以加that从句么 sure of+从句和 sure that+从句 有什么区别吗?另外两种句型都加什么从句,除了从句还可以加什么? 英语语法 主从复合句像宾语从句 表语从句等名词性从句中,从句可以是there be句型吗? there be句型后可以加名词加 be动词么eg:There were not any store was open in the morning. there be句型做宾语从句是that可省略吗 there be 句型中只能用that引导定语从句是则么回事? 定语从句遇到 there be 句型怎么选择which who that there be no doubt that为什么可以用there be 句型 在there be 句型做主句时,从句只用that如题 那who能用吗?在there be 句型做主句时,从句只用that WHO 这就是题啊 注意 是在定语从句中 There is no reason that she can find to explain her mistake [ that]可以省不注意:There be加定从是一种特殊句型,所以that虽作宾语,但不知是否可以省 I'm sorry that 后可以加从句吗? I'm sorry that 后可以加从句吗? There are many people live on that farm.这句话对吗?看定语从句的讲解时,看到一句话“There are many people live on that farm.” 说是there be 句型中,只用that,而且that作定语从句主语时候可以省略.但是我怎么左