
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:03:10


1.Beautiful Dreamer a poem by Stephen Foster
Beautiful dreamer,wake unto me,
Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee;
Sounds of the rude world heard in the day,
Lull'd by the moonlight have all pass'd away!
Beautiful dreamer,queen of my song,
List while I woo thee with soft melody;
Gone are the cares of life's busy throng.
Beautiful dreamer,awake unto me!
Beautiful dreamer,awake unto me!
Beautiful dreamer,out on the sea,
Mermaids are chaunting the wild lorelie;
Over the streamlet vapors are borne,
Waiting to fade at the bright coming morn.
Beautiful dreamer,beam on my heart,
E'en as the morn on the streamlet and sea;
Then will all clouds of sorrow depart,
Beautiful dreamer,awake unto me!
by William Butler Yeats
Now must I these three praise
Three women that have wrought
What joy is in my days:
One because no thought,
Nor those unpassing cares,
No,not in these fifteen
Many-times-troubled years,
Could ever come between
Mind and delighted mind;
And one because her hand
Had strength that could unbind
What none can understand,
What none can have and thrive,
Youth's dreamy load,till she
So changed me that I live
Labouring in ecstasy.
And what of her that took
All till my youth was gone
With scarce a pitying look?
How could I praise that one?
When day begins to break
I count my good and bad,
Being wakeful for her sake,
Remembering what she had,
What eagle look still shows,
While up from my heart's root
So great a sweetness flows
I shake from head to foot.
3...To A Friend - a poem by Matthew Arnold
Who prop,thou ask'st in these bad days,my mind?
He much,the old man,who,clearest-souled of men,
Saw The Wide Prospect,and the Asian Fen,
And Tmolus hill,and Smyrna bay,though blind.
Much he,whose friendship I not long since won,
That halting slave,who in Nicopolis
Taught Arrian,when Vespasian's brutal son
Cleared Rome of what most shamed him.But be his
My special thanks,whose even-balanced soul,
From first youth tested up to extreme old age,
Business could not make dull,nor passion wild;
Who saw life steadily,and saw it whole;
The mellow glory of the Attic stage,
Singer of sweet Colonus,and its child.

求一首英文诗,要原版,不能是翻译成英语的.作者,关于青少年的问题,像love,moodiness,school.不用太长 怎么把原版片的英语翻译成中文 哪里可以买到莎士比亚英文原著现在手上有的是莎翁的原版书,很多是古英语,有点看不懂,所以想问问哪里有翻译成现代英语的莎士比亚著作 求英语原版动画片 英文字幕的..求英语原版动画片 要英文字幕的...急... The girl from Ipanema葡萄牙语(原版)歌词大意请注意哦,我要寻找的是原版的(也就是葡萄牙语版的)歌词,然后翻译成中文的意思.不是葡萄牙语歌词,也不是英文版翻译成中文的“歌词大意”… “原版英语图书”翻译成英语怎么说如题 英语翻译比如,英文翻译过来的,一看就知道原版是英文我是指文学上的翻译,比如唐诗翻译成英文,英国戏剧翻译成中文(那句“to be,or not to be)这一类的 我最喜欢的课程是英语 翻译成英文 尽管教室里并未坐满人 怎么翻译成英文,不能是中式英语 现在手上有的是莎翁的原版书,很多是古英语,有点看不懂,所以想问问哪里有翻译成现代英语的莎士比亚著作 如果能保证毁灭你,那么,为了社会的利益,即使和你同归于尽,我也心甘情愿(福尔摩斯对莫里亚蒂说的)翻译成英文.要原版! 英语翻译要原版的英文! 糖的英语怎么样翻译成英文 约定翻译成英语约定 的英文 要学好英语,只记单词是不够的.这句话,怎么翻译成英文 英语翻译希腊的【特洛伊城】课文翻译英语翻译成英文,不要弄错了是英文翻译成中文, 舅妈说,这是不能说的秘密.翻译成英文 求现代英文小说想找本原版英文小说看看,英语为母语的人写的,不要翻译成英文的希望是最近20年写的都市小说(越近越好)有一定的阅读难度希望有品味点的,言情的,生活的都行,越贴近生活