英语动词填空:It is said that the film ______(win) a b英语动词填空:It is said that the film ______(win) a big award for the story.中文:据说,这部电影因为它的故事情节获得了一个大奖..

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 05:53:56

英语动词填空:It is said that the film ______(win) a b英语动词填空:It is said that the film ______(win) a big award for the story.中文:据说,这部电影因为它的故事情节获得了一个大奖..
英语动词填空:It is said that the film ______(win) a b
英语动词填空:It is said that the film ______(win) a big award for the story.

英语动词填空:It is said that the film ______(win) a b英语动词填空:It is said that the film ______(win) a big award for the story.中文:据说,这部电影因为它的故事情节获得了一个大奖..
应该是won吧.It's said that 的从句就根据语境来判断就好

has winned

为你has won

had won 或 won


has won 过去的某段时间完成的动作持续到现在的影响


has won



It is said that the powerful red()(balance)the calm white 动词填空. 英语动词填空what he said _______(record) just now. We can listen to it again. 英语动词填空:It is said that the film ______(win) a b英语动词填空:It is said that the film ______(win) a big award for the story.中文:据说,这部电影因为它的故事情节获得了一个大奖.. My birthday is .It is on July 19th 填空 [英语动词填空]_______(make) of glass,it is easy to break. What --- is it today It's 6th of february.oh --- --- is coming soon.填空 what's the ( ) today .It is October 6th,英语 英语填空---th要两个---th 我要下面英语试卷的答案试卷:一:选择填空1. What’s the date today? ( )A. It is in March. B. It is February 24th. C. It is Thursday. D.It is at weenkend.2. When is Christmas Day? ( )A. It is on May 25th. it是主语时,动词后面能接to it is said It is said that. it is said about 用适当的介词填空.(3).It is far____here.(4).Th park is east____the cinema. 英语动词填空Look!How heavily it __(rain)!Look表示为现在进行时,那是不是用is raining? 用所给动词的适当形式填空 It is important()(read )English aloud every day You’d better((A)用所给动词的适当形式填空1.It is important()(read )English aloud every day 2.You’d better()(not ,take)th It's said that the power plant is now ---------------(两倍大)what it was.填空 一道英语动词填空The witness said he -------(hide)under the tree at that time 英语填空 标题号__________is the boy in blue?-he's mike__________wallet is it?-it's mine__________is the diary?-it's under the chair__________is the chirstmas day?-it'son the 25th of december