一道英语选答语的题I'm sorry to trouble you,Mr.White.A:Not at all.B:You are welcome.C:Yes ,I think so .我认为选B,但正确答案是A,为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:08:33

一道英语选答语的题I'm sorry to trouble you,Mr.White.A:Not at all.B:You are welcome.C:Yes ,I think so .我认为选B,但正确答案是A,为什么?
I'm sorry to trouble you,Mr.White.
A:Not at all.
B:You are welcome.
C:Yes ,I think so .

一道英语选答语的题I'm sorry to trouble you,Mr.White.A:Not at all.B:You are welcome.C:Yes ,I think so .我认为选B,但正确答案是A,为什么?
A: Not at all. 用来回答I'm sorry 表示对于对方的道歉的委婉接受
B:You are welcome. 用来回答thank you.表示不用谢.打扰了White用谢吗?

A 因为他说我打扰你了 所以他说一点都不要紧
B 只能针对别人的感谢

B的意思:没关系(一般对应THANK YOU)

不能根据中文来翻英文 b是你客气了 可是题干说 我麻烦到你了
回答当然用 一点也不(麻烦)


You are welcome. 用来回答感谢的话语如thank you
Not at all.用来回答表示歉意的话语如sorry

一道英语选答语的题I'm sorry to trouble you,Mr.White.A:Not at all.B:You are welcome.C:Yes ,I think so .我认为选B,但正确答案是A,为什么? I didn't pass the exam.的答语应该是What a shame!还是I'm sorry to hear that. 关于I'm sorry to trouble you 的答语最近看到有I'm sorry to trouble you .英语报上设置的答语选项 是Forget it .这个答语 可以作为典型答语来掌握吗?还有其他答语是什么?烦请不吝赐教 么么答得好 还有 I'm sorry to ______ you.(对It doesn't matter做答语) I'm sorry to _____ you.(对It doesn't matter做答语) I am sorry.的答语是什么 【急】I’m sorry的答语(6个)另求:感谢的答语(5个) I'm sorry to trouble you.请告诉我它的最佳应答语应为什么? 英语单选一道题--I'm sorry, but I don't quite follow you. Did you say you wanted to return on September 20? --Sorry, I myself clear. We want to return on October 20.A. hadn't made B. wouldn't makeC. don't make D. haven't made sorry .“sorry”的答语是什么? Dad,I'm sorry I can't find the shop.写什么答语?是thank you all the same.还是not at all? 一道有关时态的英语选择题~Oh,it’s you.I’m sorry I _______ know you _______ here.A.don’t; are B.didn’t; areC.didn’t; were D.don’t; were这道题选C,为什么不选B呢 根据答语写出问句 八上英语1.—_________________ —Sorry.I have no money with me.2.—_________________ —Because it is very boring.3.—_________________ —No,I hate playing computer games.4.—_________________ —Sorry,I'm busy.Ask T -My mother wants to travel,but she can't walk.答语是i'm sorry to hear that 还是what a shame I'm sorry 答语哪个更好 1.Not at all.2.It doesn't matter.为什么网上说两个都可以? sorry,I'm can't do that.的意思 一道英语选择题,求答案及选择的理由I’m sorry I can’t go to the concert with you.But________________.A.thanks a lotB.thank you very muchC.thank you all the same D.thank you,too 一道英语单项!—I’m sorry!I would have taken him to hospital if I had known he was seriously ill.—But_____.[ ]A.you didn't B.you hadn't C.he wasn't D.you aren't