
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 23:23:25


The priority of the ventilation air-condition system of Shanghai subway 7th line project is put temperature,humidity,air flow,smoke evacuation on emergency of station public areas under fully control,ensuring the comfortable temperature and ventilation of every station's waiting room.Meanwhile,all the inverter air conditioners should have conflagration mode,which enables ducts fully run with ignoring outer control signals when accident happens,so to provide essential fresh air for passengers and firemen and ensure the safe evacuation of passengers,and with function of smoke evacuation.

Shanghai Metro Line 7, ventilation and air conditioning systems engineering tasks for public stations in the region of temperature, humidity, wind speed, accidents, such as smoke condition for full co...


Shanghai Metro Line 7, ventilation and air conditioning systems engineering tasks for public stations in the region of temperature, humidity, wind speed, accidents, such as smoke condition for full control to ensure that each station area waiting a comfortable temperature and ventilation requirements with a frequency converter The fire mode, in the event of an accident make fans lose sight of external control signal to run at full speed to passengers and firefighters to provide the necessary fresh air to ensure safe evacuation of passengers and has a function of smoke.
خط مترو شانغهاى 7 ، والتهوية وتكييف الهواء ونظم المهام الهندسية لمحطات العامة في المنطقة من درجة الحرارة ، الرطوبة ، سرعة الرياح ، والحوادث ، مثل دخان شرطا للسيطرة كاملة لضمان أن كل منطقة محطة انتظار مريحة والتهوية ودرجة الحرارة والاحتياجات مع محول التردد طريقة النار ، في حالة وقوع حادث جعل الجماهير تغيب عن بالنا السيطرة الخارجية إشارة إلى البعيد بأقصى سرعة لالركاب ورجال الاطفاء لتقديم ما يلزم من الهواء النقي لضمانسلامة الركاب والإجلاء من لديه وظيفة من الدخان.
상하이 지하철 7 호선 전체 컨트롤을위한 조건과 같은 연기 온도, 습도, 바람 속도, 사고의 영역에서 공공 방송국에 대한 환기 및 공기 조절 시스템 엔지니어링 업무는 각 지역 방송국 주파수 변환기와 함께 쾌적한 온도와 환기 요구 사항을 기다리고 보장 화재 모드, 사고의 이벤트에 팬들은 전속력으로 승객과 소방관을 실행하는 승객의 안전한 피난을 보장하는 데 필요한 신선한 공기를 제공하기 위해 외부 컨트롤 신호의 시력을 잃을지도와 연기의 기능이 있어야합니다.


In the Shanghai subway 7 line projects ventilates air-conditioning system's duty is to the station public area in the temperature, the humidity, the wind speed, the accident operating mode discharges ...


In the Shanghai subway 7 line projects ventilates air-conditioning system's duty is to the station public area in the temperature, the humidity, the wind speed, the accident operating mode discharges fume and so on to carry on the positive control, guaranteed that in each station waiting area the comfortable temperature and ventilates, simultaneously requests the frequency changer to have the fire pattern, when has the accident causes the air blower to neglect the external control signal full speed movement, provides the essential new amount of wind to the passenger and the fire fighters, guaranteed that the passenger evacuates safely, and has discharges fume the function.


英语翻译上海地铁7号线工程中通风空调系统的任务是对车站公共区内温度、湿度、风速、事故工况排烟等进行全面控制,保证每个车站候车区内舒适的温度和通风,同时要求变频器具有火灾模 英语翻译主要课程有工程流体力学、工程热力学与传热学、燃烧学、安全系统工程、安全学原理、安全管理学、通风与净化工程、空调工程、消防工程、安全监测监控技术及应用、矿井通风 怎么根据建筑面积来确定通风系统及空调系统所需的功率. 上海地铁11号线延长到哪里了? 空调系统中单向阀的作用 普通的实验室空调通风如何设计?普通的实验室,温湿度要求不是很高,用实验室专用恒温恒湿空调加全热交换器系统如何? 风管系统的工作压力划分:低压 中压 高压参考规范《通风与空调工程施工质量验收规范》表4.1.5风管系统工作压力≤500Pa,低压500~1500Pa,中压>1500Pa,高压中压 低压这不都低于大气压么?请问风管 实验室通风系统公司哪家好? 空调系统中冷却水与冷冻水区别 空调系统中什么叫同程式和异程式 空调系统中冷却水 冷冻水各有什么作用 空调系统中消声减振措施有哪些 通风、空调系统镀锌钢板风管所用共板法兰有什么标准,比如法兰本体尺寸与风管尺寸的关系、材料厚度等. 通风系统中圆形风管与距形风管有什么区别 通风工程中,计算管道面积,用乘系数么?怎么计算通风管道的面积? 空调系统fc是什么意思? 空调系统的分类 氮气在空调系统中的作用是什么为什么空调系统中要加入氮气,氮气在里面起什么作用?