下雨了,李雷去给妈妈送雨伞和雨鞋,根据情境及首字母提示完成短文.It was (s ) a little time ago, but it is windy and cloudy now. Li Lei thinks” It’s going to rain.”It’s raining hard.”(H ) can mother come home?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 01:40:32

下雨了,李雷去给妈妈送雨伞和雨鞋,根据情境及首字母提示完成短文.It was (s ) a little time ago, but it is windy and cloudy now. Li Lei thinks” It’s going to rain.”It’s raining hard.”(H ) can mother come home?
It was (s ) a little time ago, but it is windy and cloudy now. Li Lei thinks” It’s going to rain.”
It’s raining hard.”(H ) can mother come home? “Li Lei says himself.” I must (t ) rubber boots and an umbrella to her.”
Li Lei is (c ) an umbrella and a pair of rubber boots. He is going to (g ) them to his mother.
His mother is ( ) about the rain. She is waiting for the rain to stop. So she is very (h ) to see Li Lei (w ) rubber boots in one hand and an umbrella in the (o ) hand.
Suddenly his mother cries out in (s ),”Look! Your shoes are all wet.”

下雨了,李雷去给妈妈送雨伞和雨鞋,根据情境及首字母提示完成短文.It was (s ) a little time ago, but it is windy and cloudy now. Li Lei thinks” It’s going to rain.”It’s raining hard.”(H ) can mother come home?
It was (sunny ) a little time ago,but it is windy and cloudy now.Li Lei thinks” It’s going to rain.”
It’s raining hard.”(How ) can mother come home?“Li Lei says himself.” I must (take ) rubber boots and an umbrella to her.”
Li Lei is (carrying ) an umbrella and a pair of rubber boots.He is going to (give ) them to his mother.
His mother is ( worrying ) about the rain.She is waiting for the rain to stop.So she is very (happy ) to see Li Lei (with ) rubber boots in one hand and an umbrella in the (other ) hand.
Suddenly his mother cries out in (surprise ),”Look!Your shoes are all wet.”

下雨了,李雷去给妈妈送雨伞和雨鞋,根据情境及首字母提示完成短文.It was (s ) a little time ago, but it is windy and cloudy now. Li Lei thinks” It’s going to rain.”It’s raining hard.”(H ) can mother come home? 作文妈妈给我的爱500字最好写妈妈给我送雨伞,她却淋湿了. 给下列词语写一个种类:雨伞 雨衣 雨鞋 雨披( ) 请大师解梦 昨晚梦见下雨 妈妈和我打一个伞 后来我自己又打了一个伞 可是个破旧雨伞,淋了一身雨 为什么说别里科夫所教的古代语言,也就是雨鞋和雨伞 “谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”,每当我读到孟郊的《游子吟》这首古诗,我都会想起妈妈对我的爱.我不会忘记,在刚刚上学时,妈妈接送我上学放学,教我写字、画画.下雨了,妈妈冒雨给我送雨伞.记 妈妈我爱你的作文,不要写我生病了,或妈妈下雨给我送伞, 写篇看图作文200字内容是“下雨了,一个老师拿自己的雨衣给一个女同学,另一个男同学,拿雨伞和老师一起打 看图作文,内容是,“下雨了,一个老师拿自己的雨衣给一个女同学,另一个男同学,拿雨伞和老师一起用这个怎么写啊, 下雨了!下雨了!雨点落在雨伞上,像 写妈妈给我送雨伞作文 主要写妈妈~600字 写妈妈给我送雨伞作文 主要写妈妈~600字 关于《套中人》作者从几个方面描写了别里科夫这个“装在套子里的人”?为什么他教的“古代语言”对他来说是“雨鞋和雨伞”? 雨鞋什么牌子的好?和消防雨鞋比是不是消防雨鞋要好一点最近想买雨鞋,想买一款质量好一点的,希望懂的朋友指点一下.给介绍一个牌子,要好的,质量顶尖的 下雨了,一个小男孩看见雨淋到晒着的衣服 就拿出雨伞给它遮挡 看漫画写作文 求大神们帮我改改作文亲情天冷了,给我添衣服;下雨了,给我撑雨伞;生病了,为我熬药守护;每天,辛辛苦苦为我做饭、洗衣服……这就是我亲爱的妈妈,她用无私的爱为我搭起了一座亲情之 要下雨了,我们最好随身带雨伞 英语翻译 天在下雨,别忘了带雨伞 英语翻译