
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 06:59:21


Enterprises are the cells of modern society,the main body of the market economy,while accounting for the vast majority of small and medium enterprises is the subject of the most active and dynamic components.SMEs in the national economy accounted for a large proportion,creating a large number of employment opportunities and technological innovation,and that culture and cultivated by small and medium entrepreneurship and risk awareness,has become a modern civilization and the essence of market economy become a market economy based on innovation and development.In a sense,not SMEs,there is no market economy.Innovation is the soul of a nation.The crucial moment at the turn of the century,as national technology innovation system,an important component of technological innovation capabilities of SMEs,for a country to maintain its competitiveness on global markets and maintain sustainable economic development.
This paper describes the development of the SMEs are related,in its based on the forecast made on the future development and prospects.Then pointed out that the strategy of SMEs in the macro trends that core competitiveness,technological innovation and sustainable development is one important aspect.Finally pointing to the development of SMEs in China must be based on the order form in the case of the situation and grasp the core elements of the specific situation of the enterprises themselves according to the analysis.

Enterprise's modern society cells, is the main economic market, and most of the enterprise of small and medium-sized enterprises in this subject is the most active, most vigorous part....


Enterprise's modern society cells, is the main economic market, and most of the enterprise of small and medium-sized enterprises in this subject is the most active, most vigorous part. Small and medium-sized enterprises in national economy, having created a large number of employment opportunities and technological innovation achievement, and small and medium-sized enterprise culture and the cultivation of entrepreneurship and risk awareness, has become a moderncivilization, and the essence of market economy, market economy system innovation and development. In a sense, no small and medium-sized enterprises, there is no market economy. Innovation is the soul of a nation. At the turn of the century, as a national key moments of technology innovation system, as an important part of the small and medium-sized enterprises, and improve the capability of technology innovation for a country to maintain its competitive in attendance and keep on the sustainable development of the economy is very important.
This paper introduces the current development of small and medium-sized enterprises, on the basis of the forecast and prospects for future development. Small and medium-sized enterprises and the development trend in the strategic points core competitiveness, technology innovation and sustainable development is one of the important aspects. Our last meeting in the development of smes must be based on the arrangement of the circumstance catch fractal situation on its core factor and the specific situation analysis.


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