英语 单词

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 03:55:55

英语 单词
英语 单词

英语 单词
I walked to the office.我朝办公室走去.
2.位于…方向 the sth (of sth)
There are mountains to the north.北面有山.
The meadows lead down to the river.牧场一直延伸到河边.
He tore the letter to pieces.他把信撕碎了.
We only work from Monday to Friday.我们仅从星期一工作到星期五.
How long is it to lunch?离吃午饭还有多久?
He gave it to his sister.他把那给了他的妹妹.
She is devoted to her family.她深深爱着自己的家庭.
the key to the door 这个门的钥匙
It was a threat to world peace.这是对世界和平的威胁.

1.prep. 向, 往, 给...,于...,直到...为止, 在...之前, 比, 对, [表示程度、范围] 到, 达 情态动词后不加to直接加v.(原) 行为动词加to do sth.(如:need) 2. [域] Tonga , 汤加 3. TO=Technical Observer 技术观察员
to [t...


1.prep. 向, 往, 给...,于...,直到...为止, 在...之前, 比, 对, [表示程度、范围] 到, 达 情态动词后不加to直接加v.(原) 行为动词加to do sth.(如:need) 2. [域] Tonga , 汤加 3. TO=Technical Observer 技术观察员
to [tu:; tE, tu] prep. 向, 往, 给...,于...,直到...为止, 在...之前, 比, 对, [表示程度、范围] 到, 达 [域] Tonga , 汤加 to .to abbr.(略语) Tonga [in Internet addresses] Tonga[in Internet addresses] to to AHD:[t›] [t…] 非重读时 D.J.[tu8][t*]非重读时 K.K.[tu][t*]非重读时 prep.(介词) In a direction toward so as to reach: 向:为了到达…而朝一个方向: went to the city. 进城 Towards: 朝着: turned to me. 转向我 Reaching as far as: 直到: The ocean water was clear all the way to the bottom. 海水从上面一直到海底都是清澈的 To the extent or degree of: 到…的范围或程度: loved him to distraction. 如此爱他,以至于心神不宁 With the resultant condition of: 以…为最后结果: nursed her back to health. 精心地照顾她,使她恢复健康 Toward a given state: 朝向一个特定的状态: helping minority women to economic equality. 帮助少数民族妇女取得经济上的平等权利 In contact with; against: 与…接触;靠着…: their faces pressed to the windows. 他们的脸贴着窗户 In front of: 在…的面前: stood face to face. 面对面地站着 Used to indicate appropriation or possession: 用于表示归属或占有: looked for the top to the jar. 寻找这个罐子的盖子 Concerning; regarding: 关于;至于: waiting for an answer to my letter. 等着对我那封信的回复 In a particular relationship with: 与…有某种特定关系: The brook runs parallel to the road. 小河与路平行而流 As an accompaniment or a complement of: 作为…的伴随或补充: danced to the tune. 随着曲子起舞 Composing; constituting: 组成;构成: two cups to a pint. 两杯一品脱 In accord with: 与…一致: job responsibilities suited to her abilities. 与她的能力相一致的工作 As compared with: 与…相比: a book superior to his others. 一本比他其它的书写得好的书 Before: 在…之前: The time is ten to five. 现在是五点差十分 Up till; until: 一直到;直到: worked from nine to five. 从九点一直工作到五点 For the purpose of: 为了…的目的: went out to lunch. 出去吃午饭 In honor of: 为了向…表示敬意: a toast to the queen. 为女王而干杯 Used before a verb to indicate the infinitive: 用在动词前表示不定式: I'd like to go. 我想去 Used alone when the infinitive is understood: 当别人已知道不定式部分时单独使用: Go if you want to. 如果你想去的话就去吧 Used to indicate the relationship of a verb with its complement: 用于指明动词和它的补语之间的关系: refer to a dictionary; refer me to a dictionary. 查一本字典;叫我去查词典 Used with a reflexive pronoun to indicate exclusivity or separateness: 与反身代词一起,用来指示独占或分离: had the plane to ourselves. 把飞机留给了我们自己 adv.(副词) In one direction; toward a person or thing: 朝一个方向地;朝一个人或物地: owls with feathers wrong end to. 羽毛方向不对的猫头鹰 Into a shut or closed position: 处于关上的状态: pushed the door to. 把门关上 Into a state of consciousness: 处于有意识状态: The patient came to. 病人醒过来了 Into a state of action or attentiveness: 处于行动或专注的状态: sat down for lunch and fell to. 坐下来开始狼吞虎咽地吃午饭 Nautical Into the wind. 【航海】 朝风地 Middle English 中古英语 from Old English t½} * see de- 源自 古英语 t½} *参见 de- TO =Technical Observer 技术观察员; Technical Order 技术说明; Telegraph Office 电报局; Transport Officer 运输军官; Turn Over 翻过来, 见后面 prep. [表示方向、时间]朝...方向; 向; 往; 到 from north to south 从北到南 go to school 上学 keep to the right 靠右边走 turn to the left 向左转弯 ten minutes to nine 9 点差10分 [表示终点、程度、范围]达到, 到; 趋于, 倾向 be tired to death 累得要死 change from bad to worse 每况愈下 to a certain degree [extent] 到某种程度[范围] punctual to the minute 一分钟都不差 be rotten to the core 烂透了 [表示对立, 反面, 对应]针对; a hand-to-hand fight 白刃战 face to face 面对面 contrary to it 与此相反 [表示对比、比较、选择]比; 对 equal to ... 等于 inferior to ... 次于 I prefer this to that. 我宁愿要这个, 不要那个。 The picture is true to life. 这画栩栩如生。 The score was 9to 6. 比分是九比六。 [表示间接关系]给..., 于... I give a book to him. 我给他一本书。 My mother wrote to her yesterday. 我妈妈昨天给她写了信。 It seems to me that... 在我看来... [表示结果、效果]致, 致使 shoot a wolf to death 把狼射死 tear to pieces 扯碎 to one's surprise 使某人吃惊 to the point 恰到好处 to no purpose 落空 [表示目的]为了; 作为 call to witness 叫...做证人 come to the rescue 前来营救 drink to one's health 为某人的健康干杯 to that end 为了那个目的 [表示对象]于; 对于 be kind to sb. 对某人很好 be open to public 向公众开放 duty to the state 对于国家的义务 the right answer to a question 对问题的正确回答 to my knowledge 就我所知 To him it is a trouble. 对他来说, 这是个麻烦。 [表示结合, 归属]归于 belong to 属于 the key to my office 我办公室的钥匙 a private secretary to the minister 部长的私人秘书 Such a man is an honor to his country. 这样的人是他国家的光荣。 [表示适合; 配合; 按照]按, 按照; 随同, 伴随 sing [dance] to the music 配合音乐唱歌[跳舞] not to one's taste 不合...所好 adopt it to one's needs 适合某人的需要 set words to music 给音乐谱写歌词 put milk to coffee 加牛奶于咖啡中 [表示关连、联系]对于, 至于, 关于 What did she say to that? 关于那件事她说些什么? [表示数量与单位的关系]每 12 to the dozen 一打有十二个50 persons to the square kilometre 每平方公里五十人 [表示原因]由于 fall to one's opponent's blows 受到对手的打击而倒下 [to oneself]专对; 专为...单独所有[所用] have the room to oneself 独住一间 think to oneself 自忖 talk to oneself 自言自语 keep oneself to oneself 不与人来往 to adv. 向前 (门窗等)关上, 虚掩着 着手干 在近旁 (用)上 苏醒过来 put on one's hat wrong side to 前后颠倒地戴上帽子 leave the door to 让门虚掩着 be about to 将要着手干 just push your chair a bit closer to 把椅子稍许往近靠一靠 next to 贴近; 几乎; ...旁边; ...之后; 次于 open the door to [for] 使成为可能; 向...开门; 给...方便 put the horses to 套上马 bring sb. to 使某人苏醒过来 to and fro 来回地, 来来往往地 to .to abbr. Tonga [in Internet addresses] to to AHD:[t›] [t…] when unstressed D.J.[tu8][t*]when unstressed K.K.[tu][t*]when unstressed prep. In a direction toward so as to reach: went to the city. Towards: turned to me. Reaching as far as: The ocean water was clear all the way to the bottom. To the extent or degree of: loved him to distraction. With the resultant condition of: nursed her back to health. Toward a given state: helping minority women to economic equality. In contact with; against: their faces pressed to the windows. In front of: stood face to face. Used to indicate appropriation or possession: looked for the top to the jar. Concerning; regarding: waiting for an answer to my letter. In a particular relationship with: The brook runs parallel to the road. As an accompaniment or a complement of: danced to the tune. Composing; constituting: two cups to a pint. In accord with: job responsibilities suited to her abilities. As compared with: a book superior to his others. Before: The time is ten to five. Up till; until: worked from nine to five. For the purpose of: went out to lunch. In honor of: a toast to the queen. Used before a verb to indicate the infinitive: I'd like to go. Used alone when the infinitive is understood: Go if you want to. Used to indicate the relationship of a verb with its complement: refer to a dictionary; refer me to a dictionary. Used with a reflexive pronoun to indicate exclusivity or separateness: had the plane to ourselves. adv. In one direction; toward a person or thing: owls with feathers wrong end to. Into a shut or closed position: pushed the door to. Into a state of consciousness: The patient came to. Into a state of action or attentiveness: sat down for lunch and fell to. Nautical Into the wind. Middle English from Old English t½} * see de- to
To 1.向;至;往:She's going to London.她要去伦敦。Turn to the left.向左转。Pisa is to the west of Florence. 比萨在佛罗伦萨的西面。 He has gone to school.他上学去了。 2.(用于表示一系列事物或一段时间的尽头或限度) 直到:from Monday to Friday从星期一到星期五 from beginning to end 从开始到结束。 3.用于表示接受者:Give that to me.把那个给我。I am very grateful to my parents.我很感激我的父母。What have you done to your hair?你把头发怎么搞的?Sorry I diddn't realize you were talking to me.对不起,我不知道你是在跟我说话。 4接触到;针对:He put his hands to his ears.他将两手捂住耳朵。They sat back to back.他们背对背坐着。She made no reference to her personal problems.他没有提及自己的个人问题。 5.达到某种状态:The meat was cooked to perfection.这肉煮得恰到好处。His speech reduced her to tears(=make her cry).他的话令她流泪。 6.(用于引出比较中的另一部分):I prefer theatre to opera.我喜欢戏剧,甚于歌剧。 7.(用于表示数量)每```等于:How many dollars are there to the euro?多少美元等于一欧元? 8.(用于表示时间)在```之前:It's ten to three.(=ten minutes before three o'clock).现在是三点差十分。 9.(用于表达对某物的看法或感受):To me,it was the wrong decision.我认为那是错误的决定。It sounded liked a good idea to me.我觉得这听起来是个好主意。I don't think our friendship means anything to him.我仍为我们的友谊对他说毫不重要。 10.(用于表达某人对某事的反应或态度):To my surprise,I saw two strangers coming out of my house.我看见两个陌生人从我家里走出来,吃了一惊。His paintings aren't really to my taste.他的画真的不符合我的口味。 11.(与动词连用,构成不定式。):I want to go home now.我现在想回家。Don't forget to write.别忘记写信来。I didin't know what to do.我当时不知道该怎么办。 12.(指门)关上Push the door to.把门推一推关上。

