请帮忙分析此句子,Bill Gates,the chairman of Microsoft and the world’s richest man,gave warning yesterday that restrictions on the number of skilled workers allowed to enter the US put the country’s competitiveness at risk.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:27:36

请帮忙分析此句子,Bill Gates,the chairman of Microsoft and the world’s richest man,gave warning yesterday that restrictions on the number of skilled workers allowed to enter the US put the country’s competitiveness at risk.
Bill Gates,the chairman of Microsoft and the world’s richest man,gave
warning yesterday that restrictions on the number of skilled workers allowed to enter the US put the country’s competitiveness at risk.

请帮忙分析此句子,Bill Gates,the chairman of Microsoft and the world’s richest man,gave warning yesterday that restrictions on the number of skilled workers allowed to enter the US put the country’s competitiveness at risk.
1.把这个句子的主谓宾抽出来就是Bill Gates gave warning .除yesterday是时间状语外,其他全是主语和宾语的修饰.
同位语the chairman of Microsoft and the world’s richest man修饰BIll Gates.
由that引导出 同位语从句restrictions on the number of skilled workers allowed to enter the US put the country’s competitiveness at risk修饰warning,即为比尔盖茨给出的警告所包含的具体内容.
2.再来分析restrictions on the number of skilled workers allowed to enter the US put the country’s competitiveness at risk这一长串同位语从句,
首先抽出主谓宾,即restrictions put the country’s competitiveness at risk,主语即restrictions,谓语即put,宾语即the country’s competitiveness,at risk是宾语competitive的补足语.
接着看其他成分,skilled workers allowed to enter the US修饰number,而主语restriction的对象就是这个number.


Bill Gates,(the chairman of Microsoft and the world’s richest man,) gave warning( yesterday) that restrictions( on the number of skilled workers (allowed to enter the US)) put the country’s competitiv...


Bill Gates,(the chairman of Microsoft and the world’s richest man,) gave warning( yesterday) that restrictions( on the number of skilled workers (allowed to enter the US)) put the country’s competitiveness at risk.
括号中的为限定或修饰语,其它的为主干,即 bill gates gave warnig,其后为 that从句,这个从句的主干是 restructions put ...at rist.


比尔盖茨后两逗号间为非限制式定语从句;gave warning yesterday that后为定语从句,表示发出什么样的警告;就是restrictions on the number of skilled workers (workers后为非谓语动词作定语)put the country's competitiveness at risk。使国家竞争力处于风险中。就是限制有能力工人进入美国的...


比尔盖茨后两逗号间为非限制式定语从句;gave warning yesterday that后为定语从句,表示发出什么样的警告;就是restrictions on the number of skilled workers (workers后为非谓语动词作定语)put the country's competitiveness at risk。使国家竞争力处于风险中。就是限制有能力工人进入美国的数量可能会使美国竞争力下降的意思。\7
主句其实是Bill gates gave warning yesterday.其余都是修饰。怎样的比尔盖茨啊,微软主席,世界首富。怎样的warning啊,限制那个工人数量使竞争力处在风险中。分清成分,其实很简单。


Bill Gates,主语
the chairman of Microsoft and the world’s richest man, 同位语
gave 谓语
warning 宾语
yesterday 时间状语
that restrictions on the number of skilled workers allowed to enter the U...


Bill Gates,主语
the chairman of Microsoft and the world’s richest man, 同位语
gave 谓语
warning 宾语
yesterday 时间状语
that restrictions on the number of skilled workers allowed to enter the US put the country’s competitiveness at risk.由that引导同位语从句
that 连词
restrictions 主语
on the number 介词短语作定语,修饰restrictions
of skilled workers 介词短语作定语,修饰the number
allowed to enter the US 过去分词短语作定语,修饰skilled workers
put 谓语
the country’s competitiveness 宾语
at risk.宾语补足语


请帮忙分析此句子,Bill Gates,the chairman of Microsoft and the world’s richest man,gave warning yesterday that restrictions on the number of skilled workers allowed to enter the US put the country’s competitiveness at risk. 请帮忙分析一下这三个英语句子的结构MITS was very interested in seeing their BASIC.So,Gates and Allen began working feverishly on the BASIC they had promised.The code for the program was left mostly up to Bill Gates while Paul Allen be bill gates All of us have heard of Bill Gates改成否定句此为填空 已经给出下列句子 让按照要求补充完整:---- of ---- heard of Bill Gates(此题为2空)改成否定句 Bill Gates的职业 Bill Gates是谁 bill gates生平事迹rt, 求Bill Gates生平 请帮忙分析此句子结构we certainly except product to be available by next monday. 请帮忙分析下此题 Bill Gates gave us a talk last week改写句子Bill Gates _____ _______ ______ _______ us a talk next month All of us have heard of Bill Gates改成否定句本为填空题 已经给出下列句子 ---- of us ---- heard of Bill Gates 英语翻译请帮忙分析下句子结构 请英语高手帮忙分析句子结构 英语翻译大家帮忙翻译下这篇文章-------------------------------The History Of MicrosoftMicrosoft was formed by a Harvard College Dropout called Bill Gates.Bill Gates was born William Henry Gates III on October 28,1955.He was born to a fa 求比尔盖茨BILL GATES在哈佛演讲的英文字幕请给个英文字幕. the same as 的as是介词还是连词.Without a doubt,Bill Gates belongs in the same class as Thomas Edison,Alexander Graham Bell,and other great minds who changed the world.这个as呢..分析下这个句子 谁能帮我分析一下这个句子的成分,还有是什么从句,that是我填的,there is evidence that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's programs to reduce newborn deaths are starting to make progress