
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 01:03:46


汉语的“旧瓶装新酒”就是来自《新约•马太福音》的new wine in old bottles.汉语借来这个成语时,实际上并没有借来它的原义,而是根据形式另赋予新的意义,即“毫无新意的意思”
Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.
为什么英文中的bottle成了汉语的“皮袋”?因为这里bottle指“盛液体的容器”,制造这种容器的材料古时和现在大不一样.古代盛酒的东西是用兽皮(如山羊皮)制的,所以这里bottle正相当于“皮袋”而不是“瓶子”(顺便说一下,英词skin的意义之一便是“酒囊”).盛过酒的旧皮袋再注入新酒就可能使皮子伸张过度而破裂.再从《圣经》上下文来看,put new wine into old bottles传达了两个内容:
1.new wine old和bottles是格格不入、互不协调的两种东西,正好像在别人结婚时表示哀痛,用新布补旧衣服一样.
因此这个成语的引申义是:impose new practices, principles, etc, on people or things too old or unfit to stand the strain(《Brewe’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable Centenary Edition(1975)》)把新的做法和原则等应用于承受不了其压力的过于陈旧的事物或守旧的人;a new principle that is too strong to be held back by old forms(《Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English(1974)》)不受旧形式限制的新原理,如果要直译的话,应是“旧皮袋装不得新酒”(《现代高级英汉汉英双解辞典》).
The new spirit had animated the prose of Chateaubriand and the poetry of Lamartine; but it was the spirit only; the form of both these writers retained most of the important characteristics of the old tradition. It was new wine in old bottles.新精神使夏多布兰德的散文和拉马丁的诗歌获得生气.但只是精神如此,这两位作家使用的形式仍保留旧传统的许多重要特点,成了旧瓶张新酒.
The European national state is far too small and frail a vessel to contain these forces. The new wines of industrialism and democracy have been poured into old bottles and they have burst the old bottles beyond repair.欧洲民族国家是些既小又脆弱的容器,容不下这些力量.工业主义和民主这些新酒注入他们那些旧皮囊里,把旧皮囊胀裂得无法弥补了.
To play dance music at a funeral is to put new wine into old bottles.在举行葬礼时演奏舞曲就像旧皮囊与新酒一样不协调.