英语翻译演讲稿 内蒙特色

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英语翻译演讲稿 内蒙特色
演讲稿 内蒙特色

英语翻译演讲稿 内蒙特色
  那达慕的由来:在蒙古族最早的史书《蒙古秘史》中,就记载了人们唱歌跳舞举行“那达慕”的盛况. 当年王昭君出塞时,草原蒙古人民就曾以这种盛大的活动仪式来迎接她.到了13世纪初,成吉思汗统一了蒙古之后,他每年都要召集各个部落的首领,举行较大规模的那达慕活动.到了清代,那达慕大会便逐渐演变成由官方定期召集的民间文娱竞技大会.
Bao is one of Mongolian traditional folk, similar to our KuaiBanShu. Artists use Mongolian rap, four sentences or two sentences a day, pay attention to the rhyme, light rhythm, containing graceful. Space may be long or short, content with folk long tale and adaptation of the classic time when zhanghui novel give priority to. Form a stand-up, double mouth, performed the points.
Offering aobao
Aobao, in Mongolian favorite for pile of children or bulge, with a stone as accumulation of conical solid tower. In the first group it is actually a sign of regional division, then gradually become the symbol of god. Offering the most solemn Mongolian artist is the activities of sacrifices of the SongJingSheng in living buddhas, nomads are kneeling on the branch and hung in full text around group, a chorus of scripture reading ?
LeLeChe is the traditional Mongolian traffic tools, has a very long history. Body with birch more or yu ligneous into, weighing about over jins, load of hundreds of pounds on and one thousand catties. The main characteristics of the wheels LeLeChe is tall, the largest diameter of 1.45 meters or so, so the design purpose is to in deep grass and walking in the snow on the convenience. On the grassland matching nomads are moved, can see the floral LeLeChe on the vast grasslands and do &, a unique grassland one sceneyurt
Yurt is mongols generation place to live, is in fact a swimming for the tent. Because mongols to graze as the main content of life, and XiJu by grasses, so they created this building and disassemble very convenient yurt.
Yurt has about one thousand years of history, the ancient Chinese called "QiongLu" or "felt his". It is round appearance peaked, general with willow stem and camel's hair is written into the rope combination yurt pillar, and around the top with one or two of the thick layer of white sheep felt cover, top, the central opened a skylight, so as to facilitate the lighting and ventilation. Mongolia BaoMen southeast face south or open, this and their religious.
Mongolia customs
Festival: Mongolian for "entertainment" or "game" meaning, is the Mongolian traditional mass rallies, every year in the July and August roughly foothills of the water, cows and sheep fat season held. A song and dance entertainment, wrestling, archery, such as horse racing games, which accounts for a bigger slice of competition. Competitive, almost throughout the Mongolian in all walks of life. Spring horse-hair, offering a group of wedding ceremony, for on the way, will differ, interest on the scale of the different RACES.
The origin of the festival is in the earliest history of Mongolian the Mongol secret history ", will record the people singing and dancing "festival" at the world. When soldiers wang zhaojun, grassland the Mongolian people's had in this grand ceremony of activities to meet her. To a 13 th century, genghis khan unified Mongolia after, every year he called all of the tribal leaders, large-scale activities held the festival. In the qing dynasty, the festival was gradually evolved into by the official folk cultural periodically call competitive conference.
Man three skills
Three men in the technology festival held during the year, including the wrestling, horse racing and shoot three.
Wrestling is a man of "three technology" one of the most important activities. Genghis khan was chosen for the Mongolian sweat, hence the wrestling as members of the important examination subjects, folk will also wrestling listed as the first festival events. Wrestling with a TaoTaiZhi, feet tall canister boots on the wrestling, wearing baggy pants satins wrestling, dressed in "zhao to case" (a kind of leather tank top out), has its unique style and national colors. In ZanGeSheng archaize generation in the lap of striding across the knight, and then jump to play, and all the winning wrestlers are for prizes, like a sheep, a couple of brick tea, or even a golden horse award on the pommel horse.
Horse racing festival is also the best content, the most attract visitors attention. Horse racing have small children attend, riders survivors, everyone firm color belt, wore the color that is very handsome. People through the horse race, to show off their jun 马良骥, display outstanding riding skills. Horse racing points a race horse and the running horse, race mark up to hundreds of people, the first of the end, become the most popular on the grassland people praise of the athletes, winning the prize. Adults could only join the equestrian superb walk marseille, requirements, stability, "ma bu" or horse stance trend speed.