以下选择题,做的正确吗?30. - Would you transfer this call to the Financial Department?- ____C_____A. Yes, I can't. B. No, somebody else is on the phone.C. Sorry, but the line is busy. D. Yes. But you should wait.31. - Good afte

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:18:54

以下选择题,做的正确吗?30. - Would you transfer this call to the Financial Department?- ____C_____A. Yes, I can't. B. No, somebody else is on the phone.C. Sorry, but the line is busy. D. Yes. But you should wait.31. - Good afte
30. - Would you transfer this call to the Financial Department?
- ____C_____
A. Yes, I can't. B. No, somebody else is on the phone.
C. Sorry, but the line is busy. D. Yes. But you should wait.
31. - Good afternoon. Can I help you with something?
- ______B___
A. Yes, it is a pleasure. B. Yes, I'm interested in a handbag.
C. No excuse. D. Don't bother.
32. - Let's go to the library this afternoon.
- ____D___.
A. Yes, that's right. B. No. I can't.
C. What about you? D. That's a good idea.
33. - What do you do?
- _______C__
A. What do you do? B. Fine, thank you.
C. I'm a college student. D. I do well in my studies.
34. - Piccadilly Circus? It’s 4 miles away.
- ____A_____
A. How long does it take by bus? B. You know where it is.
C. Is it far? D. I don't know.
35. - How did Mr. Jones get to the cinema?
- ____C_____
A. At 10 o'clock. B. To Mrs. Jones.
C. By car. D. To the Grand Theater.
36. - Good morning. Have you got a single room with a bathroom, please?
- ___D______
A. I don't know. B I'd rather not say.
C. Well, guess. D Yes, we have.
37. - Thanks for the lovely party and the delicious food.
- ______C___
A. No, thanks. B. Never mind.
C. Thank you for coming. D. That's all right.
38. - Would you mind my opening the window?
- _____B____
A Sorry, I can't. B Go ahead.
C It's a pleasure. D It's really very kind.
39. - Have you been to Paris?
- ____B_____
A No, I didn't go there last year. B No, but I hope to go there sometime next year.
C Paris is a nice place to visit. D No, it was a long time ago.
40. - I must be going now.
- ____A_____
A So soon! I hope you've enjoyed it. B Have a cup of tea.
C How about a coffee. D Not at all.

以下选择题,做的正确吗?30. - Would you transfer this call to the Financial Department?- ____C_____A. Yes, I can't. B. No, somebody else is on the phone.C. Sorry, but the line is busy. D. Yes. But you should wait.31. - Good afte
31 对方正忙
39 没去过,但希望明年某个时候能去
40 这么快,


全对,恭喜你 学习不错 加油

以下选择题,做的正确吗?30. - Would you transfer this call to the Financial Department?- ____C_____A. Yes, I can't. B. No, somebody else is on the phone.C. Sorry, but the line is busy. D. Yes. But you should wait.31. - Good afte 酒wo的wo 【高一物理】一道关于万有引力选择题》》》》》》》》两个靠近天体称为双星,它们以两者连线上某点O为圆心做匀速圆周运动,其质量分别为m1,m2,如图所示,以下说法正确的是( )(A)它们 以下5道选择题,做的正确吗?45.- Could you tell me where the nearest parking lot is?- ___C______A Don't ask me.B Parking is very difficult.C Sorry,I'm a stranger here.D Sorry,you can't park here.46.- What's the date today?- __D_______A.Octobe 选择题:(以下各题都有四个选项,其中只有一个选项是正确的,请把正确的选项的代号填在括号内) 1.二次函 告诉我下各种标点的用法,用于做高中判断标点是否使用正确的选择题, 选择题和用所以给单词的正确形式填空做 wo的音节需要拼读吗 以下说法正确的是? 以下说法正确的是? 有一首英文歌,是一个女歌手唱的,里面高潮部分有很多wo~wo~wo~感觉好耳熟,有一个同学用它做背景音乐跳爵士. 有一首歌歌词中有love is wo wo wo wo wo wo,节奏轻快,女生唱的有一首歌是英文的,歌词中有love is wo wo wo wo wo wo,节奏轻快,女生唱的, 我做的正确吗? 我做的正确吗? 英语的选择题怎么做 做选择题的最佳方法? 德语选择题 做的对不对? wo室的wo怎么写?