
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:00:21

由于今年金融危机的影响,我国的外商投资受到了很大的影响,为此在3月8日早上,邱立成(南开大学教授)委员提出了名为“利用金融危机契机 扩大利用外资”,在此提案中,他指出为了加强保护外商投资的平稳,必须做到以下五点.

With two meetings convened,more and more of the proposed good bill.Here I will choose one for you.Because of this,the influence of financial crisis in China by foreign investment and so on March 8 in the morning,nankai university professor QiuLiCheng (forward) members called "use financial crisis,the utilization of foreign capital" expand opportunities in the proposal,he pointed out that in order to strengthen the protection of foreign investment of smooth,you must do the following five.First,pay close attention to the international financial crisis under the background of international capital flow pattern changes,and the recent trend of international capital flows judgement and prediction.Global financial crisis in China fdi utilization's influence.Second,the foreign investment enterprises in China are comprehensive survey,different types of enterprises with foreign investment in China by the effect of the global financial crisis and the operation of the main difficulties plane,analysis and the recent increase or withdrawal,and the tendency and the reasons for their comfort difficult actively the crisis.Third,to prevent foreign capital outflow or fast or into our country,the state administration of foreign exchange,the people's bank of China,the banking regulatory commission and ministry of commerce on export related agencies increase collect settlement online check of management,implement surveillance foreign capital inflows or leave our extensive market.Fourth,using the global financial crisis,this opportunity,actively improve investment environment,the expanded use of foreign capital.Our central government in international financial crisis and stimulate economic growth of positive fiscal policy and moderate looser monetary policy measures such as "China's economy is likely to be Europe economic recovery." before In the long-term view,although China to maintain the difficulty of double-digit growth in Europe and the economy,but only two percent growth in a negative even compared to the economy,the enhancement of investment of foreign-funded enterprises in China,is likely to attract foreign capital in China and provide long-term use of good opportunity.Therefore,we should pay more attention to domestic and international economic situation,and timely take necessary measures.Fifth,in the policy,we can consider a relaxing individual foreign investment approval,Personal shareholder value chinese-foreign joint venture enterprise; Can relax on January 1,2008,began the hi-tech measures on the administration of foreign-funded hi-tech enterprises,cover.Because of the enterprise income tax in accordance with law and its implementation regulations,once be key support of the state high-tech enterprises,can press the reduction of enterprise income tax rate of 15%.

英语翻译伴随着两会的召开,越来越多的委员们提出了好的议案.在此我将选择其中之一给您介绍.由于今年金融危机的影响,我国的外商投资受到了很大的影响,为此在3月8日早上,邱立成(南开 最近将要召开的两会是指哪两会? 全国两会是哪两会,召开的目的与意义? 2012年的全国两会召开时间 2013年两会召开的具体时间?请问2013年两会召开的具体时间, 英语翻译两会:人大会议和政协会议的简称.指的是全国人民代表大会和中国人民政治协商会议,每年3月份“两会”先后召开全体会议一次,每5年称为一届,每年会议称X届X次会议.“两会”召开 2012年全国两会召开前,许多全国人大代表、政协委员开微博、征民意,一些地方两会的代表委员也将网络当做征询公众意见的重要窗口.据此材料回答:这表明我国公民享有 A.选举权和被选举权 两会 用英语怎么说正在召开的两会名称用英语怎么说? 每年3月,两会都在北京各召开一次,讨论国家大事.两会指的是 英语翻译中文:两会指的是人民代表大会和中国政治协商会议,每年三月份两会先后召开全体会议一次,每五年称为一届.两会召开的意义在于:将两会代表从人民中得到的信息和要求进行收集 伴随着经济的发展,我们的生活水平越来越高了怎么用英语翻译呀 两会中的人民代表大会和每五年一次的全国代表大会的区别是什么?如果本年度召开了全国代表大会,还要召开两会中的全国代表大会么? 2013年全国两会召开的确切日期和大致日程安排 今年3月在北京召开的全国“两会”是指什么? 伴随着网络发展的越来越快 怎么翻译成英语? 2009年两会的主要内容..2009年两会召开的主要内容和哪些中央领导人在两会上提出了什么重要观点.谢谢啦. 两会的意义是什么 两会指的是什么