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At the age of 在…年龄
At the end of 在… 结尾
At the head of 在…前面
At the mercy of 任由…摆布: 在…的掌握中
At the moment 在…时候
At the same time 与…同时,一齐
At times =now and then 间或,时常
At work 在工作,在上班
Be addicted to 沉溺于,上瘾
Be afraid of 担心,害怕
Be amazed at 对…感到害怕
Be angry with sb. 生…的气
Be aware of 知道,了解,意识到
Be busy doing sth. 忙于…
Be busy with sth. 忙于…
Be famous for 因…而著名=be known for
Be fit for 适合于
Be fond of 喜欢
Be full of 充满
Be good at something \ doing 善于
Be late for 做…迟到
Be like 用…做的
Be made up of 由…构成
Be on good terms (with sb.) 与…关系良好
Be satisfied with 对…满意=be pleased with =be content with
Be used to sth / doing 习惯于
Because of 因为
Before long 不久,没过多长时间
Begin with=start with 以…方式开始
Believe in 信赖,信仰…
Belong to 归于,属于
Benefit from 从中获利(益)
Both…and… …和…:不仅…而且
Break away from 脱离,与…分手
Break down 分解;(人)病倒,(机器)坏了,(车)抛锚
Break out (疾病,战争,洪水,地震等)爆发(没有被动形势)
Bring …back to life 使…复活;使…苏醒;使…充满生机
Bring in 带来,挣(钱),引进
Bring (sb.) back 把…带回来,使恢复
Bring up 把…抬高,抚养(常用被动形势)
Burn down 烧毁(房屋,城镇)
Burst into sth. 突然大声地(哭,笑等)burst into tears / laughter
By bus/plane/ship/air/sea 乘…交通工具
By mistake 偶然,无意地
By the side of 在…边上
By the time 到…时候
Call for 要求,请求
Call in 叫进来,(电话)打进来
Call on 号召
Call out 大声说(喊)出来
Call up 使回忆起,call (sth or sb)up 打电话给…
Calm (sb.)down 使…镇定下来
Care about 关心,在意
Care for 想要,喜欢
Carry on 继续(与with连用)
Carry out 执行
Catch fire 着火
Catch up with 赶上
Centre on/upon 把…集中在…
Change…into… 把…变成…
Change one’s mind 改变主意
Cheer (sb) up 使…高兴起来,振作起来
Clean up 整理,收拾干净,整理整齐
Clear up 清理,整理
Come about 发生
Come across 偶然遇到
Come along (用于祈祷)快点,赶快=come on
Come back 回来
Come down 下来
Come from 是…人,来自于
Come in 进来
Come into being 存在
Come off 脱落,分离,下落
Come on 快点,赶快,跟随,来吧(挑战语)进步,发展,发育,开始,来到
Come out 出现,显现,(花)绽放,(消息)传出,(真相)大白,出版,罢工,表露
Come over 过来(只比较远处);改变立场或意见,(感情,影响力)掌握住,占据
Come to an end 结束
Come to life 复活,苏醒
Come to oneself=come to one’s sensd (昏厥后)恢复知觉,恢复知觉,恢复明知或正常)
Come to terms with sb 于某人达成协议
Come ture 实现
Come up to 等于,达到,及于
Come up with 追上,赶上(某人)
Common sense 尝识(由生活经验而来)
Concentrate on 把…集中…上=focus on
Consist of 由…构成
Contribute to 捐献,贡献,是…的原因,有助于,促成
Cool off=cool down 变冷静(淡)
Current affairs 时事
Cut down 砍断,砍倒
Cut off 切掉
Cut up 切碎
Date back 追溯
Day after day 日复一日
Day and night 日日夜夜
Deal with 处理,对待,解决=do with /cope/with
Depend on=rely on=rest on=count on=lean on 依赖,依靠
Devote…to… 致力于,把…贡献给…
Die down (指炉火)渐息,(骚动等)渐平息,(闹声等)渐消失
Die of 死于=die from (外因)
Die out 死光,绝种
Dig up 翻土=dig sth up 从地上挖掉
Do (some) reading 读书(报,杂志等),阅读
Do morning exercise 做早操
Do sb. a favour 帮…忙
Do sb. good 为某人
Do well in 在…方面做得好
Draw one’s attention (to) 做到…的注意力;把…的注意力引到…上
Dream of 梦想,幻想
Dress up 打扮,(为演戏,参加化妆舞会等)着特殊服装
Drive off (水滴等)掉下,落下
Drop sb. a line 给…写封短信
End up (with ) 结束,以…告终
Enjoy oneself 玩得开心,过的快乐
Even if/though 尽快,即使
Even since 自从…
Every now and then 不时地,时常地
Except for 除…以外(除去一个部分)except (除去一个整体)
Experiment with 用…做实验
Fall behind 落后于…
Fall down 跌倒
Fall ill 生病,病倒
Fall in love with 与…相爱,坠入爱河
Fall off 消减,减少
Fall to the ground 跌倒在地
Far (away) from 远离,离开…很远
Feed on 以…为主食
Fill up with… 用…把…装满,填满
Find out 找出,发现,(指经过调查,搜索等)
First aid 急救
First of all 着光
For ever 永远=forever
For example 例如(后接句子)
For the moment 眼下,暂时, 目前
Free from 免于
From then on 从那时起
From time to time 经常
Get across 横过(get sb sth across 使横过,被人了解)
Get around (=get about ) 到处走动
Get away from 离开
Get back 回来,get sth back 把…弄回来
Get down 下来,get down to sth/doing 认真应付,处理
Get hold of 拿住,抓住
Get into 进入
Get off 下车
Get on one’s feet 站起来
Get on with 与…相处
Get through 结束,完成,到达目的,及格,通过
Get to 到达
Get used to 习惯于(后接n.或doing )
Get/be tired of 讨厌…;厌倦…
Give back 归还
Give birth to 生小孩
Give in 屈服,让步
Give off 放出,散发(热,光,气味,辐射等)
Give sb. a hand 帮助…
Give sb. a lesson 教训…
Give up 放弃
Go about 到处走,走来走去(谣言)流传
Go along 进行,进步,陪伴,与…有相同的观点,通常伴随,连同配合go along with 陪伴
Go by 经过
Go down (指船只等)沉默,(日月等)下落,(食物)被吞下,平静,平息
Go down on one’s kness 跪下
Go for 来取或来接,被认为,攻击,可以应用于
Go hiking/sailing/skating/boating/fishing/hunting/climbing/swimming
go off (剧本中的演出说明)下场,爆炸,砰然发射,变坏,品质变坏,失去知觉,离去(尤指情绪等)
go on with 继续
go over 预习,复习,走过去,过一遍,批改作业等
go through 详细讨论,仔细察看,;履行,参加,受艰难,(指出)被售出go through with 完成,做完
go up 上升,被建立,被炸坏,进入大学,进城
go wrong 弄错了
grow up 成长
had better(do ) 最好…做
hand in 上交=turn in
hand in hand 手拉手
hand out 分发
happen to 谁发生了…了(往往只不好事)
have a look/test/try 看一看/测一测/试一试
have an effect on 对…产生影响
have an eye for 有…的眼光 (鉴赏力)
have mercy on 可怜
have sport 进行运动
hear from 收到…的来信
hear of 听说,耳闻
help (sb.) out 帮助…解决困难(走出困难)
help sb. with sth 帮助某人做某事
help yourself (to sth ) 自己吃(喝,用等)
here and there 到处=every where
hold one’s breath 摒住呼吸
hold-up n. 停顿,阻滞
hole sb or sth up 阻滞,拦路抢劫,展示
hunt for 猎取,寻找,追求
hurry up 赶快
in a hurry 急忙忙
in a low voice 低声地
in a minute 立即,马上=at once, right now, right away
in a row 一排,一行
in a short while 一会儿
in all 总计,总共
in case(of) 万一,一旦
in charge (of) 负责;(区别:in the change of 由…负责)
in common 共同;have sth.in common with sb 与….有共同之处
in danger 处于危险
in detail 细节,详尽
in exchange for 交换
in fact 事实上;=as a matter of fact
in front of 有…..前面;in the front of; 在….前部
in future 以后;in the future将来
in general 总体而言,一般而言
in harmony with 和谐
in honour of 为纪念…..; 以….的名义
in need of 需要
in one’s opinion 以…..之见
in order 有秩序
in order to 为了…… ;后接动词原形
in other words 换句话说
in preparation for 为…..作准备
in public 公开的,公众的
in return 反过来;作为报复(报酬,回礼);代之以…..
in ruins 废墟
in space 在太空
in spite of 尽管=even if(though)=despite
in store 储存,即将到来
in terms of 用…..的词句,按照,以….(术语)来(表达/示)
in the air 在空中,来决,渺茫
in the day 在白天(仅,at night 在夜里)
in the end 最后
in the eyes of 以…..之见
in the first place 首先
in the future 将来
in the name of 以….的名义
in the open air 在户外
in the past 在过去
in the wild 在野外
in the world 在世界上
in this way 以这种方法; in that way 以那种方法
in time 及时;on time 准时
in total 总计
in trouble 遇到麻烦
in turn 依次,挨次
in vain 徒劳,白费力气=lose one’s labour
insist on 坚持做…..
instead of 相反,代替,而不是
join hands 连手
just now 当才
keep a record 保持记录 break a record 打破纪录
keep an eye for sb/sth 密切注意;时刻提防着,照看
keep in mind 记住;=learn by heart
keep in touch with 保持联系;get in tough with 取得联系
keep on doing 继续作某事(做原来的事)
keep track of 留意,跟上发展,保持接触或联系
keep up 坚持,继续,保持(斗志)仍不低落
keep up with 跟上,赶上,不落后于
knock around (about) 碰撞,连敲,粗暴对待,漫游
knock down 打倒,撞倒,拆除(机器),使减价
knock off 敲击;中止;减低;迅速做成;
laugh at 嘲笑
lead to 寻致;引向
learn…..by heart 把…记住;背下来
leave alone 放住不管,不干涉,听住
leave(….) behind 留下,丢失,遗下,忘记携带
leave for 向…..出发,(离开某地)到….去
leave out 省出;忽视=ignore; 遗漏
lend sb. a hand =give sb. a hand=do sb a favour=help sb
less than 不足;少于
let in 让….进来;放入;通(光,水,气等),插入
light up 点着;点灯;照亮;
listen to 听……
live on 以……为生活(主食);
live through 经历;熬过
live with 忍受;与…..住在一起;
lock sb. up 把….笑压起来
long before 很久以前;before long 没过多久
look for 寻找(强调过程)find 找到(强调结果);find out发现(经过调查研究等)
look forward to 盼望
look into 调查
look on….as… 把……看作….=treat…..as=regard…..as
look out 当心,小心,向外看,挑选
look out for 照料;寻求;提防;
look over 从……上面看过去,查看,检查,原谅
look round 转头(欲看)慎重考虑
look up 仰视,(市场)兴旺,胸怀大志,(从字典)查出,参照
look up to 尊敬,仰坐
lose heart 失去信心;lose one’s heart to倾心于
lose one’s way =get lost迷路,找不到家了
make …. to one’s own measure 依靠某人自己的方法;量体裁衣
make a call/choice/decision/difference/face/fire/living/mistake/noise/record speech……
make a contribution to 对……做出贡献
make a plan for 为……作计划
make faces 做鬼脸
make fun of 取笑……;开……玩笑
make jokes about sb. 取笑……
make one’s way to 到……去的途中
make oneself at home 不客气
make progress 取得进步
make room for 给……让地方
make sense of sth 了解某文的意义;make sense有意义,能理解,有道理
make sure 确保;保证
make the most of 充分利用=make the best use of
make up 引补,修理,赔偿,起草,决定,编造,收集,整理(房间等)
make up one’s mind to do sth.; 下决心做……
make use of 利用
more and more 越来越……
more or less 或多或少
more than 超过;多于
move on 继续前进
multiply…by… 用……乘以……
name…after 以……命名……
neck and neck 并头,并进,并驾齐驱
next to 隔壁,紧挨着
no longer(not…any longer) 不再;(强调时间)
no more (not…any more) 不再;(强调程度)
no more than 不超过,仅仅,同……一样不……
not at all 一点也不,完全不
now and then 时常,=once in a while
now that 既然
of one’s own ……自己的
on a large scale 大规模地
on all sides 全面地
on average 平均地
on board 上船(飞机,火车等)
on display 展示
on duty 值日,值班
on earth 世界上,究竟,全然,一点也(强调否定)
on fire 着火了(强调状态)“catch fire”强调动作
on foor 走到
on holiday 渡假
on one’s own 独自的
on sale 减价(出售)
on show 展出
on the air 在广播中
on the contrary 正相反
on the other hand 另一方面,常用于 on one hand ……on the other hand
on the radio 在收音机里,在播出
on watch 警觉
once upon a time 从前
one by one 一个挨一个的
open up 打开,开发,展现,开始,揭露
or so 大约,差不多
out of 来自,出自,从……当中,越出……范围外,失去,由于,缺乏
out of breath 气喘吁吁,上气不接下气
out of one’s reach 够不到 in one’s reach够得到
out of work 失业,out of bread
over and over 在……之上,交于,在……之外还
own sth .to sb. 把……归功于……
pass away 终止,停止,死亡,消亡,消磨时间(等)
pass … on(upon) 传递,宣告,通过,前进
pay a visit 拜访,参观
pay attention 注意
pay back 归还
pay for sth. 为……而付钱,偿付……的代价
pay off 还清,成功
pick out 挑选,区别出,看出,领会
pick up 爬起,获得,拾起,收听,恢复,探出,掘地,加速,收拾
piles of 成堆的
play a joke on 开……的玩笑,捉弄……
play a part in 在……方面起作用,对……起作用
play a trick on sb. 开……的玩笑,捉弄……
play with 玩弄,与……一起玩
plenty of 大量的
point at 指向(具体地点)
point out 指出
point to 指向(大概方向)
prefer to 参考,指的是
prevent…..from….=stop/keep…..from doing sth;阻(防)止…..做……
protect sb./sth. From 保护……免受……
pull down 拉倒,推翻,拆毁,使降低
pull sb.up 把……扶起,拔起,使停下,阻止,训斥
put…..in prison 把……投进监狱
put an end to 终结,结束,废止
put away 把……收起来,储备……,处理掉,(船)开行,把……送进监狱
put down 放下,镇压,取缔,制止,记下,贬低,认为,消减
put forward 提出,建议,推举,拨快(钟表)
put off 推迟,延期,阻止,劝阻,托(衣服),出航
put on 穿上……,增加(体重等),假装,拨快(钟表),推荐,安排,上演
put out 放出,长出,熄灭,激怒,生产,出发,出版
put up 举起,打开,挂起(旗),进行,提名,提供,搭起,提示,建造(房屋),上演,陈列,揭示
rather than 而不是……
refer to 指的是,参考,咨询
regard….as… 把……看成
regardless 不管,不顾
relate(….) to 与……有关系,理解,同情
rely on = depend on = rest on = lean on = count on 依赖,依靠
ring back = call back 回电话
ring off 挂断电话,不要挂断电话
ring up 打电话给……,打铃(开幕)
roll over 流动,翻滚
roll up 卷起
round and round 处处,周围
round up 驱集,赶扰,逮捕,包围
run after 追求,追赶
run away 跑开,带……而逃走
run out 流出,离题,(火车等)出轨,流利地念,写或叙述,印出
rush out 冲出去
say goodbye/hello to 向……告别
scores of 几十个,许多
see sb. off 为……送别
send for 派人去请.send for a doctor派人去请医生
send in 提出,送来,递送
send out 派遣,发送,发出,生(芽)
send up 提出,上升,检举
sentence sb. to death 判……死刑
serve as(for) 充当,用作=work as=act as
set an example to 给……树上榜样
set aside 存放,放在一切
set down 放下,卸下,记下,判定,申斥
set fire to 纵火,放火
set foot(in) (on) 踏上,登上
set free 释放
set off 发出,动身,爆发,放(火箭,炮),开始(工作),点缀,拨出,对照
set one’s mind to do 决心做……
set one’s pace 定步调
set out 发出,开始,陈列,陈述,表示,打算
set records 创纪录
set sail(to/from/for) 起航
set up 竖起,建立,开办,贴出,提出(意见),提交,引起,使(精神)振作
shoot at 向……射击
shout at 向……大喊
show…out 给……引路出去
show sb. Around 领……参观
shut down 关闭,停工,鲜艳
side by side 并排着,并肩……并排(并列)
slow down 减速
so as to 为了……=in order to
so far =till now=up till now到目前为止
so(…)that 太……以至于……
sooner or later 迟早,迟晚
speak highly of 高度赞扬(评价)
speed up =pick up speed 加速
stand for 代表,象征
stand in line 站成一排
stand out 突出,显著
stand up 站起来,起立
stare at 盯着……看,注释
start out 出发,开始,着手
start with 首先,第一
stay away 不在家,外出
stay in bed 卧床
stay in touch with 与……保持联系=keep in touch with
stay up 不睡,熬夜,守夜
stick to 粘住,坚持,继续
stop sb. From doing sth =keep/prevent sb. From doing sth; 阻止某人做……
such as 例如(后接名词,代词,补语)
suffer from 遭受……之苦,患病
take a walk/rest/bath/shower…… 散步,休息,洗澡,冲淋浴
take/leave a message(for…) 给……流口信
take a chance =take chances 碰运气,冒险
take a look at 看一看
take a photo/picture 拍照片
take a risk 冒险
take a train 乘火车
take action 采取行动
take advantage of 利用
take along 随……带来
take away 拿走,拿去,减去
take care of 照顾,照料,关心
take down 拿下,取下,拆毁,记录下来,吞下
take in 收进,接受,收容,理解,包括,定阅,欺骗
take it easy 别紧张,悠然自得,轻轻松松
take measures 采取行动
take off 起飞,成功,免除,脱去
take one’s place 代替某人
take out 取出,除初,摘录(要点)
take over 接收,接办,接待
take part with 祖护,支持
take part in 参加,参与
take place 发生
take possession of 占有,据为己有
take the place of 代替…
take time 费时,需要时间;take one’s time 慢慢来,不急
take turns =take it in turns 轮流做
take up 拿起,开始,从事,吸取,接纳(乘客),接受,占(时,空注意力等)
take…into consideration 把…考虑进来
tear down 扯下, 拆, 毁
tear up 扯碎, 拔起
tend to (towards) 倾向于, 有助于, 易于, 引起, 造成, 势必
test on 在…上做实验
thanks to 由于, 幸亏, 多亏
think about 考虑
think highly of 高窟赞扬(评价)=speak highly of 重视
think of 想着, 想到, 考虑, 想象, 没想, 打算, 出主意, 记得
thousands of 成千上万
throw away 抛弃, 浪费, 错失(机会等)
throw light upon 照亮, 阐明, 把…弄清楚
tie up 扎绑, 停滞, 纠缠住, 冻结(资金)
to one’s surprise 令…吃惊的是
try on 试试看, 试穿…
try one’s best (hardest) 尽力而为, 竭力, 努力
try out 试验, 试行, 精炼
turn … into 把…变为, 把…译成
turn around
turn down
turn off 关掉(电灯,自来水,煤气,收音机等), 生产, 解__
turn on 开(电灯,自来水,煤气,收音机等),决定于,反对,敌视,攻击
turn out 关上(电灯,自来水,煤气,收音机等),向外弯曲,出产,培养出,解_
证表是, 结果是
turn over 滚动, 翻过来, 够交, 托付, 再三考虑
turn to 转向, 求助于, 着手, 忙于
up and down 上上下下
use up 用光, eat up 吃光, drinle up 喝光
used to do sth. 曾经, 过去常常做… ; be used to sth. / doing 习惯于…
wake up 醒来, 弄醒
wash away 冲走
watch out 当心, 警戒, 监视
wear out 穿破, 用坏, 耗尽, 疲乏不堪
wipe out 擦洗, 清除, 雪耻, 彻底毁灭
wish … every success 祝…成功 (万事如意)
work on 对…起作用, 对… 发生影响, 激发
work out 产生效果, 拟定(计划), 用尽, 使筋疲力尽, 算出, 解决(问题)
would rather 宁可… , would rather do than do 创立…(理论)
write down 写下, 记下
write to 给…写信
year after by year 一年又一年
year by year =from year to year
year in , year out 一年又一年,始终,不断地
all the year round 一年到头,整整一年
for years 好几年


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