
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 11:25:51


“In some countires,the disturbance of the youth is a temporary phenomenon,which is neither a threat to social structure nor to the basic organizational setups and systems.However,the youth in other other countries challenge the whole rights mechanism and its institutions or certain specific methods of caltivating and educating adolescents through violent behaviors.
The radical demands of youth,their worries about the future and the fact that they haven't become part of the social pattern cause them to concentrate on social and cultural issues and contradictions in our age consciously or unconsciously.”

In some countries,the youth's unrest is a temporary phenomenon which poses no threat to the social structure and the radical organization structure and system.But in some other countries, it is showe...


In some countries,the youth's unrest is a temporary phenomenon which poses no threat to the social structure and the radical organization structure and system.But in some other countries, it is showed by violence even challengeing to the authorities and organization structure and system.Or at least challenges to the practice and the basic principles of control of the youth training and education.
Youth's radical requirements,their anxiety of the future and the fact that they has not become a part of social model,all of which make them pay attention to the social and cultural problems and conflicts intentionally or unintentionally.


In some countries,the youth's unrest is a temporary phenomenon which poses no threat to the social structure and the radical organization structure and system.But in some other countries, it is showe...


In some countries,the youth's unrest is a temporary phenomenon which poses no threat to the social structure and the radical organization structure and system.But in some other countries, it is showed by violence even challengeing to the authorities and organization structure and system.Or at least challenges to the practice and the basic principles of control of the youth training and education.Youth's radical requirements,their anxiety of the future and the fact that they has not become a part of social model,all of which make them pay attention to the social and cultural problems and conflicts intentionally or unintentionally. 2| 评论(1)
2012-11-2 17:32度小甜 | 十一级“In some countires,the disturbance of the youth is a temporary phenomenon,which is neither a threat to social structure nor to the basic organizational setups and systems.However,the youth in other other countries challenge the whole rights mechanism and its institutions or certain specific methods of caltivating and educating adolescents through violent behaviors.
The radical demands of youth,their worries about the future and the fact that they haven't become part of the social pattern cause them to concentrate on social and cultural issues and contradictions in our age consciously or unconsciously.”


英语翻译在某些国家中,青年的骚动是个一时的现象,既不威胁社会结构也不威胁根本的组织机构与制度.在另一些国家中则通过暴力表现,向整个权利机构及其组织机构与制度挑战,或至少向某 得不到的永远在骚动! 得不到的永远在骚动. 得不到的永远在骚动 得不到的永远在骚动,是啥意思、. 英语翻译得不到的永远在骚动,被偏爱的都有恃无恐. 得不到的永远在骚动是什么意思 得不到的永远在骚动.是什么意思? 地震前动物的前兆当地震发生前有许多动物都会异常反物的.那么这些动物出现骚动时,是在白天多发生还是夜晚多发生?是连续骚动还是偶尔骚动? 求名人名言!最好是和描述青年在国家的重要性为主! 英语翻译在当今世界上的190多个国家中,世界贸易组织的成员国有158个. 盐的需求在某些国家已被发觉是有弹性的.说明怎么会这样 英语翻译可以用英语具体介绍一下在某些节日中,他们是如何庆祝的吗? 英语翻译国家的公民有着婚姻自由权,当然不排除某些农村中封建味道比较浓厚的区域依然是由父母指婚.结婚的年龄是:男不得早于二十二周岁,女不得早于二十周岁.总之,在我们国家,绝大多 得不到的永远在骚动,被偏爱的都有恃无恐, 得不到的永远在骚动 被偏爱的都有恃无恐 “得不到的永远在骚动,被偏爱的都有恃无恐” 得不到的永远在骚动,被偏爱的都有持无恐.