英语翻译I have seen them at very close quarters which i am afraid has not greatly enhanced my opinion of them

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 18:43:28

英语翻译I have seen them at very close quarters which i am afraid has not greatly enhanced my opinion of them
I have seen them at very close quarters which i am afraid has not greatly enhanced my opinion of them

英语翻译I have seen them at very close quarters which i am afraid has not greatly enhanced my opinion of them
I have seen them at very close quarters(主句的主谓宾+状语‘at very close quarters')
which i am afraid has not greatly enhanced my opinion of them(定语从句)
which(主语) i am afraid (插入语)has not greatly enhanced (谓语)my opinion of them宾语)
请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )


我近距离的观察过他们了 ,恐怕这也不能改善我对他们的看法。


even some of them I have never seen even some of them I have never seen 英语翻译I have seen them at very close quarters which i am afraid has not greatly enhanced my opinion of them Where have you seen them? 英语翻译:1.I have seen the film already.2.I have already seen the film. i have seen it Oh,I have seen 选择题---Have you seen Tom and Mary?--- Sorry,I haven't seen ____of them.7.-Have you seen Tom and Mary?-I haven't seen ( )of them.A.neither B.any C.either D.all 英语翻译1.i have never seen them before能不能说成i haven't seen them before?2.很幸运,我们有张地图,要是没有它我们一定会迷路.我翻译的是:luckily,we have a map,if it were not it ,we would be lost.3.他们都结婚了 英语翻译I have to say...that is the biggest pieces of shit,i have ever seen,doesnt even seem to fit right,and 2 of them have complete splits in them that seems to have been glued together.I hope that you really needed that money that bad,and I ho 英语翻译If you have friends you have not seen for a while,maybe you should drop them a line T‘have seen what I have seen,see what I Deceived all i have seen Since I have seen you I HAVE NEVER SEEN 歌词 I HAVE NOT SEEN YOU , 单项选择Where is my pen?Have you seen ______?Oh,sorry.I have taken_____by mistakeA it;yours B them;his C it;mine D them;hers --- my glasses?---Yes.I them on your desk a minute ago.A.Had you seen; saw B;Have you seen; saw怎嘛回事啊,好想要用过去时的, ---------my glasses?Yes,I saw them on your desk minute.a.do you see b.have you seen c.had you seen.