eat rice with the spoon意思

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eat rice with the spoon意思
eat rice with the spoon意思

eat rice with the spoon意思



eat rice with the spoon意思 eat ice cream with rice 英语翻译 eat,spoon,now.your,with,rice,this . 找出错误,并改正.1、does sophia likes to eat rice?2、the boy not eat carrots.3、do david live with his grangparents? eat rice中文是什么意思呢?eat rice People eat different things in different p arts of the world.In South China we eat rice every day.So metimes we eat it two or three times a d ay,for breakfast,lunch and supper.We usually eat it with fish,meat and vegeta bles.The Japanese eat rice,too I couldn't eat up the rest 填介词 rice I eat rice in the morning.改为一般疑问句 eat rice dumpling是什么意思? Eat Some rice 英语2句改变句型一句是:The chick eat some rice.否定句还有一个:The chick eat some rice.【some rice 提问】 People eat different things indifferent parts of the world.In some countries,people eat rice every I eat bread for breakfast,and the other two meal to eat rice 这句话对吗 The rice makes Tom feel hungry.(改为复合句)--- ----Tom sees the rice,he would like to eat. 英语 改为复合句The rice makes Tom feel hungry._______ ________ Tom sees the rice ,he'd like to eat. People eat different in different parts of the world.In some ,people eat rice every day.Sometimes they eat it two or there times a day for breakfast,lunch and supper.They usually eat it with meat,fish and vegetables.Some people do not eat some kinds The cow eats grass,squeezed out the milk,do you?Eat rice,squeezed out the dung! Eat some rice译成中文