请高手帮我分析下这个英语句子的结构Yet the desirability of further economic growth for a society that is already wealthy has been questioned on grounds that undoubtedly have a good deal of vatility.意思是然而对于一个非常富

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:10:02

请高手帮我分析下这个英语句子的结构Yet the desirability of further economic growth for a society that is already wealthy has been questioned on grounds that undoubtedly have a good deal of vatility.意思是然而对于一个非常富
Yet the desirability of further economic growth for a society that is already wealthy has been questioned on grounds that undoubtedly have a good deal of vatility.意思是然而对于一个非常富足的社会而言是否有必要再一味追求发展,人们对此的质疑,无疑是有充分说服力的.
我想问后半句have的主语是谁,还是另有说法?前面句子结构明白,可是从on grounds that开始就不太明晰,第二个问题就是后半句的grounds后的that做什么成分,起什么作用?

请高手帮我分析下这个英语句子的结构Yet the desirability of further economic growth for a society that is already wealthy has been questioned on grounds that undoubtedly have a good deal of vatility.意思是然而对于一个非常富
后面那个that 引导的是定语从句,修饰grounds,主语就是关系代词that,或者说是先行词grounds

on grounds 应该是个固定用法,引导后面that的那个从句,因为。。。。

请高手帮我分析下这个英语句子的结构Yet the desirability of further economic growth for a society that is already wealthy has been questioned on grounds that undoubtedly have a good deal of vatility.意思是然而对于一个非常富 请高人来帮我分析下这个英语句子Covering a mile in the fastest time while doing gymnastically correct lunges is yet another event in which Ashrita(人名) is outstanding.请高手帮我分析下这个句子成分,然后给个整句翻 高手分析一下这个句子的结构请帮我分下一下这个句子的结构,哪个是主语哪个是表语等等~.No one really knows how the ancient egyptians build the pyramids. 请英语高手帮忙分析句子结构请英语高手帮忙分析下这个句子结构:I'm having trouble with my classmates. 请英语高手帮忙分析下句子结构 一个英语句子结构的分析---高手进Hey!How are you guys doing?请分析这个句子的结构, 英语高手帮忙分析下句子结构 英语高手帮忙分析下句子结构, 请英语高手帮忙分析句子结构 英语高手帮忙分析下句子的结构 高手麻烦帮我分析一下这个英语句子的语法结构,帮我分析下这个句子,它的语法结构!The notion that learing should have in it an element of inspired play would seem to the greater part of the academic establishment merely s 英语翻译The rare kindness and generosity with which my mother have been blessed make her respected by those who know her.请英语高手帮我分析下,句子的结构 I know you are that girl.请帮我分析下句子的结构,急. The bus comes here.请帮我分析一下这个句子的结构,划分句子成分. 英语翻译英语高手们帮我翻译下这个句子, 请帮忙分析下这个简单的英语句子结构The friendship will still exist 帮我分析这个句子的结构,这是个改错题,英语 ---There existed----a certain doubt among the students as to the necessity of the work.请哪位高手帮分析一下这个句子的结构?前面如果换成It existed 我的意思是主 谓 宾的句子结构?