for i=1 to controls.count-1是什么意思啊.controls是个什么对象啊.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 03:54:14

for i=1 to controls.count-1是什么意思啊.controls是个什么对象啊.
for i=1 to controls.count-1是什么意思啊.controls是个什么对象啊.

for i=1 to controls.count-1是什么意思啊.controls是个什么对象啊.
Controls 集合的语法包括下述部分:
部分 描述
Object 一个对象表达式,其值为“应用于”列表中的对象.
Index 一个整数,范围从0到Controls.Count – 1.
注意 如果部件是一个Visual Basic模块,如Form或UserControl,则在模块中编写代码时不必使用该对象表达式.然而,如果容器是一个编译后的ActiveX控件,如ToolBar控件,则必须使用该对象表达式.
Controls集合标识了一个内在的名为Controls的窗体级变量.如果省略了可选的object 占位符,则必须包括Controls关键字.不过,如果包括了object,则可以省略Controls关键字.例如,下面两行代码具有相同的作用:
MyForm.Controls(6).Top = MyForm.Controls(5).Top + increment
MyForm(6).Top = MyForm(5).Top + increment
可以在If语句中使用 TypeOf关键字,或使用TypeName函数来确定Controls集合中控件的类型.
注意 Controls 集合不是Visual Basic Collection类的成员.其属性和方法的集合要小于Collection对象的属性和方法的集合,而且用户不能创建该集合的实例.

for i=1 to controls.count-1是什么意思啊.controls是个什么对象啊. pascal For i:=1 to n For i = 1 To .Cells. 英语翻译.Our primary results are robust to controls for year fixed effects,to alternative proxies for potential regulatory attention,and to other proxies for earnings management. 英语翻译Visitor Controls:1)Entry/exit control points for employees are the same as for visitors,vendors,repairmen,etc.2) Vendors are not required advance information before visiting the facility premises.3)Facility does not maintain an up-to-date 英语翻译1 The operating system controls and coordinates the use of the hardware among the various systems programs and application programs for the various users2 Operating System exist because they are supped to make it easier to compute with an 英语翻译plc devicesection 1 background1.introductionA programmable controller(pc) is basically a central unit(cpu) containing a program and connected to input and output(i/o) devices(i/o Devices).The program controls the PC so that when an input for i = 1 to 3 i=i+inextMsgbox i for i = 1 to 8 step 10 next i print i 为什么i=11 We will send you a link to access Parental Controls to manage your child's play activity.For this 救救偶 For i = 1 To 10 Step 3 i = i + 1 Next i MsgBox (i) i=13, For i = 0 To 13 Step 4 i = i + 1 Next i Print i i=15 英语翻译原文是Controls know how to render themselves.controls是控件的意思 好 For j = 10 To i + 1 Step -1 VB step1 还有for i=1 to 10 step For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1 FOR i=1 TO thisform.List1.ListCount是什么意思? vfp中for i=5 to 1 ftet