有一首男的英文歌开头是six seven eight nine ten,然后后面有唱到you can get what you see ……的.有一首男的英文歌开头是six seven eight nine ten,然后后面有唱到you can get what you see you can see what you get,还听

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 10:21:33

有一首男的英文歌开头是six seven eight nine ten,然后后面有唱到you can get what you see ……的.有一首男的英文歌开头是six seven eight nine ten,然后后面有唱到you can get what you see you can see what you get,还听
有一首男的英文歌开头是six seven eight nine ten,然后后面有唱到you can get what you see ……的.
有一首男的英文歌开头是six seven eight nine ten,然后后面有唱到you can get what you see you can see what you get,还听出来唱到什么 I got the girl like that什么的.

有一首男的英文歌开头是six seven eight nine ten,然后后面有唱到you can get what you see ……的.有一首男的英文歌开头是six seven eight nine ten,然后后面有唱到you can get what you see you can see what you get,还听
克里斯布朗 7天

7 days

Grooove coverage
《What you get is what you see》

《what can you see in their eyes 》?

《you can't see me》?

《can't see without you》


英文歌开头是five six five six.注意不是five six seven eight. 有一首男的英文歌开头是six seven eight nine ten,然后后面有唱到you can get what you see ……的.有一首男的英文歌开头是six seven eight nine ten,然后后面有唱到you can get what you see you can see what you get,还听 一首英文歌中带“ten nine eight seven six five four there two one”歌词开头中好像还有this什么的,是一男一女唱的 快歌 一首英文歌开始是ten.nine.eight.seven.six.five.four.three.two.one很有节奏的 男声,不是英文歌,很欢快的舞曲,歌词里有one two three four five six seven eight nine ten,ABCDE开头有一段类似警笛的声音. 英文歌有罗密欧还有five six seven eight很欢快.女的唱的 韩国歌曲有一句one two three four five six seven tonight,是哪首歌,男生唱的,第一句开头是what,是快歌 求一首英文歌 one two three four five six seven eight 里面所有词都是这个 女生唱的节奏很快 开头歌词是one two three four five six seven eight一个外国女歌手唱的开头是反复数数字one two three four five six seven eight ,只是路过的时候听了一下,有一句歌词是sing along sing along!有谁知道这首歌是什么 英文歌,前面开始是什么six girl six 什么的,是个女人唱的~~谁知道啊· 有一首英文歌,其中有几句歌词是seven ,let's get straight to number one,six,lips,five,fingers.,同志亦常人里面就放过. 歌词是one two there four five six seven eight tonight的韩文歌 有一首很好听的英文歌,是个男的唱的.歌词里有“one two three four five six seven ...满轻快. 有什么英文歌是l开头的 一首英文歌,男女组合的,中间有one two three four five six seven eight nine ten好像是一首快歌 at six and seven F开头的英文歌 K开头的英文歌