求将一下中文翻译成英文,泉州18景简介涂门街、东湖公园、五里桥、蔡氏古民居、府文庙、开元寺、崇武古城、洛阳桥、牛姆林 、清水岩、清源山、西湖公园、深沪湾、天后宫 、黄金海岸

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求将一下中文翻译成英文,泉州18景简介涂门街、东湖公园、五里桥、蔡氏古民居、府文庙、开元寺、崇武古城、洛阳桥、牛姆林 、清水岩、清源山、西湖公园、深沪湾、天后宫 、黄金海岸
泉州18景简介涂门街、东湖公园、五里桥、蔡氏古民居、府文庙、开元寺、崇武古城、洛阳桥、牛姆林 、清水岩、清源山、西湖公园、深沪湾、天后宫 、黄金海岸、仙公山、岱仙瀑布 、郑成功史迹 涂门街照片
涂门街   又叫“土门街”,因传储存、输送建造东西塔土石方而得名.涂门街位于泉州市区中心地带,东起温陵路,西至中山路,全长1005米,是集商贸、旅游、文化等为一体的繁荣地段.在这条长仅1000余米的街道上,有着众多的“海丝”文物群,分布着13处宋元文化遗存———清净寺、孔子文庙、通淮关岳庙、东观西台、祖闾苏、世家大厝、棋盘园、东鲁巷、三十二间巷等.涂门街的建筑风格在一定程度上反映出泉州宋元时期的繁荣景象.改造后的涂门街秉承泉州闽南古建筑的风格,又与现代建筑有机结合.涂门街是泉州最有商机、最繁华的街道之一,入选全国第一批“购物放心一条街”.
东湖公园   址系古泉州八大胜景“东湖荷香”遗址.唐时湖面40余顷,有东湖亭、二公亭;宋有波恩亭;明有揽古亭.盛植荷花,成星湖荷香胜概.因唐姜公辅、韩愈、欧阳詹等曾在此活动而闻名于世.东湖公园以闽南建筑文化为特色,中心湖为主体,环湖布置人文景观.构建星湖荷香、祈风阁、七星拱月、二公亭、东湖亭、波恩亭、揽古亭等静区;儿童乐园、双舟朝阳、游船码头为动区.精筑刺桐瑞林等20多处植物山石景观揽翠全园,以石雕、石刻突现闽南石文化.既有泉州历史文化内涵又有时代新潮气息,风格独特.曾三次获省“环境优美奖”,还被评为“市民喜爱十佳建筑”、“泉州十佳夜景”.1998年以其典雅秀丽、玲珑多姿的江南园林风格而入选百家中国名园. 五里桥照片
  五里桥   俗称“安平桥”,横跨晋江安海镇与南安水头镇之间的海湾.始建于宋绍兴八年(公元1138年),经13年建成.为花岗石砌成的石墩石梁桥,是我国古代首屈一指的长桥,素有“天下无桥长此桥”的美誉,驰名海内外,经国务院公布为首批全国重点文物保护单位.桥长2255米,有方形、船形、半船形的桥墩361个,桥面宽3-3.8米,桥板长度5-11米不等,最重达25吨,两侧有石护栏;桥上有亭5座:桥东“超然亭”,桥西“海潮庵”,桥中“泗水亭”,两头各设路亭一座,供游人憩息.“泗水亭”,俗称“中亭”,亭前石柱上有“世间有佛宗斯佛,天下无桥长此桥”楹联一对,立有两尊石雕将军;亭侧保存历代重修碑记14方.西端桥亭留有清代重修碑刻,东端有五层六角楼阁式仿木结构白塔一座.历经800年沧桑,安平桥成了“陆上桥”.1980—1985年国家拨款进行维修,宋代原貌得以恢复. 蔡氏古民居
  蔡氏古民居   位于南安官桥漳里村,是国家级重点文物保护单位.蔡氏古民居建筑群主要由蔡启昌及其子蔡资深于清同治年间(公元1862年)至宣统三年(公元1911年)兴建.现存较为完整的宅第共17座,单体建筑多为三进或二进五开间的布局.蔡氏古民居建筑群,座座屋脊高翘,雕梁画栋,门前墙砖浮雕,立体感强,窗棂镌花刻鸟,装饰巧妙华丽,门墙厅壁书画点缀,别有一番情趣,篆隶行楷,各具韵味,留下较多当时名流的书画.随处可见的木雕、泥塑、砖雕及石雕,工艺精美,多数采用透、浮、平雕等手法.雕琢内容丰富多彩,有禽兽、花鸟、鱼虫、山水人物,图案古博.古民居精美的雕饰,不仅集中表现了闽南成熟的雕塑艺术,而且反映了受印度佛教、伊斯兰教及南洋文化和西方建筑艺术的影响,被誉为“闽南建筑的大观园”.

求将一下中文翻译成英文,泉州18景简介涂门街、东湖公园、五里桥、蔡氏古民居、府文庙、开元寺、崇武古城、洛阳桥、牛姆林 、清水岩、清源山、西湖公园、深沪湾、天后宫 、黄金海岸
Quanzhou 18 King About Tu Gate Street,East Lake Park,Wuliqiao,Chua ancient houses,the government Confucian Temple,Kaiyuan Temple,Chongwu the ancient city of Luoyang Bridge,Niumulin Qingshui,Qingyuan Mountain,West Lake Park,Shanghai and Shenzhen Bay.Tin Hau Temple,Gold Coast,Xian Gong Shan Dai Sin Falls,Zheng Chenggong,historical sites,painted photos of Gate Street
Painted gate Street,known as the "Tumen Street,named after the transfer storage,transmission towers of earth and stone in the construction stuff.The heart of Tu Gate Street is located in Quanzhou,east from Wenling Road,west of Zhongshan Road,1005 meters in length,is the set of commerce,tourism and culture as one of the prosperity of the lot.On the streets of this only 10 meters long,with many of the "Marine Silk Road" heritage group,the distribution of the 13 cultural relics of the Song and Yuan --- Lu the Qing Jingsi,Confucius Temple of Literature,through Huai guanyuemiao,East View West Taiwan,ancestral Su,family old house,board Park,East Luxiang,12,Lane,etc.The architectural style of painted doors Street to some extent,reflect the prosperity of the Song and Yuan Dynasties,Quanzhou.After transformation,the Tu Gate Street adhering to the style of the ancient architecture of Quanzhou,southern Fujian,organic combination of modern architecture.Tu Gate Street is the most opportunities in Quanzhou,one of the most bustling streets,selected the first batch of "rest assured that shopping street".
East Lake Park,site of ancient Quanzhou eight scenic East Lake Lotus "sites.Tang lake more than 40 hectares,the East Lake Pavilion,two quangongting; Songyou Bo En Ting; Ming embrace gutting.Sheng planting lotus,into Xinghu Hexiang wins none.Public secondary due to the Tang Jiang,Han Yu,Zhan,in this event is famous for.Lake Park to the architectural culture of southern Fujian features,the center of the lake as the main lake layout cultural landscape.Construction of the Xinghu Hexiang pray wind Court,Seven Stars arch month,two public kiosks,East Lake Pavilion,the Bonn Pavilion,embrace gutting the quiet zone; children's playground,dual boat Chaoyang,cruise ship terminal area.Fine building Erythrina Ruilin than 20 plants rocks landscape embrace Tsui Park,stone carving,stone emergent the Minnan stone culture.Both the Quanzhou historical and cultural connotation of the times trendy atmosphere and unique style.Has three provincial beautiful environment prize,was also named favorite top ten buildings to the public,"Quanzhou Top Ten Night Scene".1998 with its elegant beauty,the exquisite scene in the southern garden style selected one hundred a Chinese Garden.Wuliqiao photos
Wuli Bridge,commonly known as "Anping Bridge,across the bay between the Anhai Town and Nanan Shuitou.Founded in Song Shaoxing eight years (AD 1138),by the built in 13 years.The stone beam bridge granite brick pier,is a long bridge of ancient China's premier,known as "A World Without the bridge length of the bridge" in the world,well-known at home and abroad by the State Council announced the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units.2255 m long bridge,square,boat-shaped,semi-boat pier 361,3-3.8 m wide bridge,the bridge deck length of 5-11 meters,most weighing 25 tons,both sides of the stone fence; bridge Pavilion 5:Eastbound "detached pavilion" west tide Um "bridge" Surabaya Pavilion,two each road booths one for visitors to rest."Surabaya Pavilion",commonly known as the "Pavilion",kiosks and pillars of "the world Fozong Sri Lankan Buddhist,the world long bridge this bridge" couplets,stand two stone generals; the pavilion side to save the ancient rebuilt tablets 14 square .The western end of Qiaoting left the Qing Dynasty rebuilt inscriptions,the eastern end of the five-story hexagonal pavilion style wood structure Baita a.After 800 years of vicissitudes,Anping Bridge has become a "land bridge".1980-1985 funding for the maintenance of the Song Dynasty original appearance is restored.Chua ancient residence
Chua ancient dwellings is located the Nanan guanqiao Zhang Village,is a national key cultural relics protection units.Chua ancient residential buildings Caiqi Chang and his son Cai senior Qing Tongzhi (1862 AD) Xuantong (AD 1911) to build.More complete existing mansion is 17,single building more than for the three binary layout of the bay.The architecture group in Chua,Gao Qiao right into every roof,richly ornamented front wall reliefs,three-dimensional sense of strong,window lattice engrave flowers carved birds,gorgeous d茅cor,doors and walls,wall painting and calligraphy of the Office of embellishment is fun,Zhuanli Xing Kai,each with charm,leaving more then celebrity calligraphy and painting.Everywhere visible wood carving,clay,brick and stone carving,exquisite technology,most transparent,floating,flat carving techniques.Carved colorful,animals,flowers,birds,fish and insects,landscapes,patterns of ancient Bo.Exquisite carving of the ancient houses,not only the concentrated expression of the the Minnan mature sculpture,but also reflects the influence of Indian Buddhism,Islam and culture of southeast Asia and the Western art of architecture,known as the "Taiwanese construction of the Grand View Garden.