请教您英语题目,感谢请教您测验中的错题,请您帮助具体解释一下,非常谢谢拉!They had a good time at the party last night (保持句意不变)They ________ __________at the party last night What about visiting the Summer

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 06:22:41

请教您英语题目,感谢请教您测验中的错题,请您帮助具体解释一下,非常谢谢拉!They had a good time at the party last night (保持句意不变)They ________ __________at the party last night What about visiting the Summer


They had a good time at the party last night (保持句意不变)

They ________     __________at the party last night 

What about visiting the Summer Palace next week? (保持句意不变)

 _______     _____________ the Summer Palace next week?

Children like waching TV better than reading books (保持句意不变)

Children_______waching TV ________reading books



Finally ,the policeman saved the boy from _________(dangerous)

请教您英语题目,感谢请教您测验中的错题,请您帮助具体解释一下,非常谢谢拉!They had a good time at the party last night (保持句意不变)They ________ __________at the party last night What about visiting the Summer
enjoyed themselves就等于had a good time都解释玩的开心注意时态是过去式
prefer to=like better 都解释为比起什么更喜欢什么

1:enjoyed themselves
have a good time=enjoy oneself

had fun have a good time 和have fun同义
是三个空该是How about visiting,两个空我还没想出来
prefer to更喜欢......

They enjoyed themselves /had fun at the party last night
__how____ ____about_________ the Summer Palace next week
Children__prefer_____waching TV _to_______reading books
Finally ,the policeman saved the boy from _danger_______

  1. enjoyed themselves

  2. how's visiting

  3. prefer   to 

  4. danger.

  1. enjoyed themselves

  2. how's visiting

  3. prefer   to 

  4. danger.


    enjoyed themselves就等于had a good time都解释玩的开心注意时态是过去式


    1. enjoyed themselves

    2. how's visiting

    3. prefer   to 

    4. danger.


      enjoyed themselves就等于had a good time都解释玩的开心注意时态是过去式
      prefer to=like better 都解释为比起什么更喜欢什么


    1.have a good time和have fun是同义词组,玩得愉快的意思,此处应填had fun
    2.what about怎么样,同义how about
    3.prefer to更喜欢,和better than同义


    1.have a good time和have fun是同义词组,玩得愉快的意思,此处应填had fun
    2.what about怎么样,同义how about
    3.prefer to更喜欢,和better than同义


请教您英语题目,感谢请教您测验中的错题,请您帮助具体解释一下,非常谢谢拉!They had a good time at the party last night (保持句意不变)They ________ __________at the party last night What about visiting the Summer 请教您初中英语的考试题,在线等,急,谢谢!快考试了,请教您几道测验中的错题,一定要给予具体解释,不要单纯答案!感谢啦!Mr.Smith ,toghter with his children ,________come .Let's go now.A are B is 猴子的英语怎么读?请教我一下吧!感谢您. 请教英语题目,第五题,谢谢! 感谢您的回答,再请教您一个问题薛宝钗的《临江仙》 白玉堂前春解舞 中的“解”如何解释 高中数学选择题,请教!感谢! 请教移动电信中的“直放站”英语怎么说 请大神请教 英语题 请教您今天的英语测验题,因为我想知道错的原因,1.Kitty asked Mrs Li,'where did you buy my trousers?'(保持原意不变)Kitty asked Mrs Liwhere___________ _________her trousers.2.Jane has lunch at home (改为否定句)Jane_________ 请教您今天的英语测验题,因为我想知道错的原因,1.Kitty asked Mrs Li,'where did you buy my trousers?'(保持原意不变)Kitty asked Mrs Liwhere___________ _________her trousers.2.Jane has lunch at home (改为否定句)Jane_________ 请教 请教一道微积分题,题目在下面: 请教,小学一年级题目 EXCEL中的IF公式请教,谢谢!题目是:如果A 请教大家下最难的大学数学题目有点急,真心感谢大家了0c 有外语专家吗,请教英语题. 请教用英语怎么说 英语请教检查