麻烦帮忙分析一下语法结构...Farmer Harie Abudola says profits are driving the opium production,not pressure from the Talibannot.是什么结构

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 10:15:06

麻烦帮忙分析一下语法结构...Farmer Harie Abudola says profits are driving the opium production,not pressure from the Talibannot.是什么结构
Farmer Harie Abudola says profits are driving the opium production,not pressure from the Taliban

麻烦帮忙分析一下语法结构...Farmer Harie Abudola says profits are driving the opium production,not pressure from the Talibannot.是什么结构
中文翻译:农民Harie Abudola表示是利润驱动了鸦片生产,而不是塔利班的压力.
解释(1)后面是个非限制性定于被省略,完整句子是 Farmer Harie Abudola says profits are driving the opium production, which is not pressure from the Taliban
WHICH 代指鸦片生产
解释(2)not pressure from the Taliban 做PROFIT 同位语
解释(3)Farmer Harie Abudolar says not pressure from the Taliban is driving the opium production (but) profits are driving the opium production ( NOT ..BUT后面BUT 省略了)
解释(4)强调句型Farms harie Abudolar says it is not pressure from the Taliban that is driving the opium (but) it is profits that are driving the opium production

not pressure from the Taliban是profits的同位语
这句比较口语化,因为同位语一般放在名词的后面,应该是这样:Farmer Harie Abudola says profits,not pressure from the Taliban, are driving the opium production. 农夫Harie Abudola说是利益而非塔利班政...


not pressure from the Taliban是profits的同位语
这句比较口语化,因为同位语一般放在名词的后面,应该是这样:Farmer Harie Abudola says profits,not pressure from the Taliban, are driving the opium production. 农夫Harie Abudola说是利益而非塔利班政府的施压驱使鸦片产量上升。


Afghan farmers have another big harvest this year, but officials at the United Nations and around the world are not celebrating.今年阿富汗农民又迎来另一次大丰收。但联合国和世界各地的官员们都没有庆祝。
The crop is opium, farmers have...


Afghan farmers have another big harvest this year, but officials at the United Nations and around the world are not celebrating.今年阿富汗农民又迎来另一次大丰收。但联合国和世界各地的官员们都没有庆祝。
The crop is opium, farmers have been busy harvest their opium poppies. Farmer Faiz Mohammed in Helmand province makes no apologies.这一收成就是鸦片,阿富汗农民正忙着收获他们的罂粟。赫尔曼德省的农民法伊兹·穆罕默德(Faiz Mohammed)对此毫无歉意。
"We are the poorest people in this area. If we don't cultivate poppies we can't feed ourselves and our family. We have tried to cultivate corn and wheat, but that is too cheap, doesn't bring a good income. And poppy crops bring good money."“我们是该地区最穷的人。如果我们不种植罂粟,我们就没法养活自己和家人。我们试过种植玉米和小麦,但那些作物太廉价了,没法带来好的收入。而罂粟可以赚大钱。”
The riches promised by opuim stands in contrast, to the rest of the country's struggling economy. Farmer Harie Abudola says profits are driving the opium production, not pressure from the Taliban.鸦片能够带来的巨大财富和该国其它方面步履维艰的经济形成了鲜明的对比。农民Harie Abudola表示是利润驱动了鸦片生产,而不是塔利班的压力。
"The Taliban have no influence here. The farmers themselves grow poppies because, compared to the price of wheat, there is a huge difference. For instance, we sell four kilograms of corn for 100 Afghanis [$1.89 USD] but poppies bring 2000-5000 Afghanis [$37.80-$94.57 USD]. This is for the benefit of the farmers, we see there is a huge difference in the price."“塔利班在这里不具影响力。农民们自己要种植罂粟,因为罂粟和小麦在价格上相差巨大。举例来说,每4公斤玉米卖100阿富汗尼(相当于1.89美元),但罂粟可以卖到2000到5000阿富汗尼(相当于37.80到94.57美元)。这对农民的收入有好处,我们可以看到在价格上有着巨大差异。”
Farmer Harie Abudola says profits are driving the opium production, not pressure from the Taliban

Farmer Harie Abudola says profits not pressure from the Taliban are driving the opium production.
结构:A (,)not B did sth/ is doing sth./was doing sth. 主语是A


not pressure from the Taliban后省略了谓语 are driving the opium production, not pressure from the Taliban

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