koalas are ——————cute.A.kinds of B.a kind of C.kind of选什么?是选A还是C

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 19:33:24

koalas are ——————cute.A.kinds of B.a kind of C.kind of选什么?是选A还是C
koalas are ——————cute.A.kinds of B.a kind of C.kind of选什么?

koalas are ——————cute.A.kinds of B.a kind of C.kind of选什么?是选A还是C
Koalas are kind of cute

1.I like koalas and elephants.(改为否定句) I——like koalas——elephants.1.I like koalas and elephants.(改为否定句)I——like koalas——elephants.2.I like lions because they are cute.(对划线部分提问)——————— 求英语高手解答,说明原因!I think the koalas are very interesting.(对划线部分提问)——划线部分为:interesting___ _____ _____ ______ _____ the koalas? koalas are ——————cute.A.kinds of B.a kind of C.kind of选什么?是选A还是C There are lions,koalas,dolphin and mary o———— animals in the zoo.(首字母填空))other 还是 others?dolphin 改为 dolphins 一道英语句型转换题,I like koalas because they are very cute.(画线部分提问)———____ ____ you ____ best? 请就括号部分提问,每空一词1 I like koalas (because they’re cute)———— ————— you ———— koalas?2 She likes (elephant)————— ———— does she ————?3 Pandas are from (China.)——— —Some flowers are dead in my garden.—Why—Some flowers are dead in my garden.—Why not( A.cut down them B.cut them downC.cut them选词填空 cut in line=— — — 补充单词:h ——-cut how i wish they wouldn't cut down the trees in this area——How i wish they ------- down the trees in this area!——But they did.Birds are nowhere to be seen.A.didn't cut B.won't cut C.hadn't cut D.wouldn't cut Aren't the koalas cute.—— Yes __________. A. a kind of B.kind of C.kinds of D.all kinds of 求助—— Is the cut still painful? 谢啦~~ We——some shapes(形状)——the eyes,the nose and the sharp teeth.A.cut up,make B.cut down,to make C.cut out,to make D.cut into,make This elephant can play soccer.(变特殊疑问句)That desk is made of wood (木材) (变特殊疑问句)——l like koalas bect (对划线部分提问)——Tong'swords sound great(对划线部分提问)——Theg are from Austraka( 用所给词的适当形式填空:Let's see the penguins_______(one).Let him_______(not go)out at night.—Why do you like dogs?—Because they are_______(fiend).Koalas are kind of _______(interes).The animals in the zoo come from f If we ——more rain forests,our planet will be in dander 空格处挑填are cutting down 还是cut down koalas are form ___________ koalas are from __