英语翻译Experts say a shortage of fish and other food is (1)threatening many of the world's (2)penguins.They say as many as ten of the seventeen kinds of penguins may be in danger of disappearing.For example,thousands of (3)Magellanic penguins bu

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:54:46

英语翻译Experts say a shortage of fish and other food is (1)threatening many of the world's (2)penguins.They say as many as ten of the seventeen kinds of penguins may be in danger of disappearing.For example,thousands of (3)Magellanic penguins bu
Experts say a shortage of fish and other food is (1)threatening many of the world's (2)penguins.They say as many as ten of the seventeen kinds of penguins may be in danger of disappearing.
For example,thousands of (3)Magellanic penguins build their (4)nests at Punta Tombo,(5)Argentina.(6)Wildlife Conservation Society researchers have studied these birds for eighteen years.They say the numbers of penguins have (7)decreased by thirty percent since Nineteen-Eighty-Seven.
Penguins are black and white birds that live in the southern half of the world.They are common to South America,(8)New Zealand,Australia and South Africa.Many live near cold waters.But some live near warm waters in the (9)Galapagos Islands,near the coast of (10)Ecuador.Penguins cannot fly.But they are fine swimmers.Penguins eat fish.Some kinds of penguins eat a small (11)shrimp-like (12)crustacean called (13)krill.
Many scientists blame (14)global warming for the decrease in penguin populations.They believe the heating of the atmosphere has caused ocean waters to become warmer.The scientists say higher water temperatures have reduced the supply of fish and krill.
Rising air and water temperatures may have especially harmed Galapagos penguins.Researchers say that some years these birds are completely unable to reproduce.In addition,many (15)adult penguins die of hunger.
(16)Widespread fishing,exploration for oil and oil (17)leaks also threaten penguins.Poisonous (18)organisms in ocean water are another danger.These (19)toxic blooms result from changes in the ocean water.Some scientists believe the warming of the oceans is responsible.
In Nineteen-Ninety,more than half the yellow-eyed penguins in New Zealand died suddenly.These (20)endangered birds may have died of a (21)mysterious disease.Penguins also have natural enemies,including wild dogs,sharks,seals and sea lions.
News about penguins is not all bad,however.About a year ago,oil leaking from a ship threatened forty percent of the penguins in South Africa.The penguins became covered with oil.But thousands of people helped clean and treat the birds.Then they returned the penguins to the wild.Now these South African penguins are reproducing in higher numbers than before the oil spill.
This VOA Special English ENVIRONMENT REPORT was written by Jerilyn Watson.This is Bill White.

英语翻译Experts say a shortage of fish and other food is (1)threatening many of the world's (2)penguins.They say as many as ten of the seventeen kinds of penguins may be in danger of disappearing.For example,thousands of (3)Magellanic penguins bu
着灭绝的危险.例如,成千的麦哲伦企鹅在Punta Tombo建立了它们的巢穴,阿根廷
这次VOA特别英语“生态环境报告”是由Jerilyn Watson写的.我是Bill White.

专家说鱼的缺少和其他的食物是(1)世界的的危险的多数(2)企鹅. 他们说一样多十七的十一种企鹅可能是在危险中的消失.
例如, 成千上万的(3)Magellanic企鹅建造他们的(4)嵌套在Punta Tombo, (5)阿根廷. (6)野生植物保存社会研究员有故意的. 这些鸟为了十八年. 他们说企鹅的民数记有(7)减少在三十百分比自从Nineteen-Eighty-Seven.


专家说鱼的缺少和其他的食物是(1)世界的的危险的多数(2)企鹅. 他们说一样多十七的十一种企鹅可能是在危险中的消失.
例如, 成千上万的(3)Magellanic企鹅建造他们的(4)嵌套在Punta Tombo, (5)阿根廷. (6)野生植物保存社会研究员有故意的. 这些鸟为了十八年. 他们说企鹅的民数记有(7)减少在三十百分比自从Nineteen-Eighty-Seven.
企鹅是白纸黑字鸟那住进世界的南的一半. 他们是共同的到南美洲, (8)新西兰, 澳洲和南非. 多数活的亲近的寒冷水. 但是一些活的亲近的暖和的水在(9)Galapagos岛, 的亲近的海岸(10)厄瓜多尔. 企鹅不能苍蝇. 但是他们是美好的游泳者. 企鹅吃鱼. 一些一种企鹅吃小的(11)虾-象(12)甲壳类的喊声(13)krill.
多数科学家过失(14)全局暖和的为了减少在企鹅人口. 他们相信大气的热原因大海水到变成温热装置. 科学家说更高的水温度有鱼的减少的补给和krill.
上升的空气和水温度可能有特别伤害Galapagos企鹅. 研究员说那一些年. 这些鸟是十分无资格的到复制. 另外, 多数(15)成人企鹅因病而死饥饿.
(16)普及的钓鱼, 探险为了油和油(17)漏洞也恐吓企鹅. 有毒的(18)有机体在大海水是另外的危险. . 这些(19)有毒的花产生改变在大海水. 一些科学家相信大海的暖和的是有责任的.
在十九-九十, 更多的比一半黄色-有眼的企鹅在新西兰死亡suddenly. . 这些(20)有危险的鸟可能有死亡的(21)神秘的疾病. 企鹅也有自然的敌人, 包括野性的狗, 鲨鱼, 封铅和海狮.
新闻关于企鹅是不全部的劣质的, 然而. 关于年以前, 油漏洞从船恐吓企鹅的四十百分比在南非. 企鹅变得隐蔽着的有油. 但是成千上万的人帮助清洁的和宴请鸟. 然后他们归来的企鹅到荒野. 现在. 这些南部非洲的企鹅是再制造在更高的民数记比在前油溢出.
这VOA特殊英文的环境报告是书写在Jerilyn Watson. 这是帐单白色.


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