
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 03:26:18

5.你应该对自己和你的女儿的安全负责.(用as well as)
9.北京一定也被沙尘暴袭击.(用as well)

1.In general,I consider him to be doing quite well.
2.Combined with practicalities,theory played a more effective role.
3.It's a pleasure to get close to nature.
4.They didn't agree to bring the price down;otherwise,they asked us to pay in advance.
5.You should be responsible to the safety of your daughter as well as youself.
6.He succeeded in getting away from me on his way home.
7.There is a boy standing against the wall.
8.He struggled to hold on to branches,asking for help loudly.
9.Beijing was attacked by the sandstorm as well.
10.Frightened by the snake,the girl would rather stay indoors rather than go out.
11.There is a long time before they put out the big fire.

1.Considering generally, he has done a good job
2.Combining with practice, theory plays a more important role
3.Approaching to the nature is a happy thing
4.They didn't agree to decline th...


1.Considering generally, he has done a good job
2.Combining with practice, theory plays a more important role
3.Approaching to the nature is a happy thing
4.They didn't agree to decline the price, what's more, they requied us to pay advanced
5.You should take responsible of your safety as well as your daughter's
6.He succeeded in getting rid of my sight on his way home
7.There is a boy standing againt the wall
8.He graped the branch tightly and screamed loudly for help
9.Beijing must be attacked by sandstorm as well
10.Scaring by snakes, the girl prefered to staying at home rather than get out
11.The didn't put out the fire until a long time passed


1. Generally speaking, I considered what he already did is good.
2. connecting together with the practice unifies, the theory can play its role.
3. closing to nature is a happy event.


1. Generally speaking, I considered what he already did is good.
2. connecting together with the practice unifies, the theory can play its role.
3. closing to nature is a happy event.
4. they did not agree to reduce the price. in addition, they want us to pay their money ahead of time.
5. you should be responsible for your daughter's safety as well as yours .
6. On his home way, he succeeded escaping my sight.
7.there is a male student standing aginst the wall.
8. he closely grips the branch furiously, praying for rescue loudly.
9. Beijing is as well as attacked by the sand-storm .
10.frightening by the snake, the female student would rather like to stay at room than going out.
11.it was a long time before they put down the fire .


英语翻译1.总的来说,我认为他已经做的不错了.(用consider)2.和实践结合在一起,理论更能发挥作用.(分词做状语)3.接近大自然是一件乐事.4.他们不同意降低价格,此外,他们还要我们提前付款.5. 他有他的缺点,但总的来说,他是一个好孩子. 英语翻译用all in all 英语翻译1.他认为我不将来.2.我认为他不将到. 英语翻译1.我认为它不经常发生2.他应该6点钟达到 我认为这种甜点不好吃.的英语翻译 我认为我们不应该做同一条路 用英语翻译 英语翻译1.我认为那样做是毫无意义的 I think doing ___ that is _____ 2.两年前他变得很富有了 he___very____ ____ two years ago 英语翻译我认为她对这篇文章的翻译要比他强得多.I think her translation of the _ _ _ _ _ _.(6个空)他不仅是为出名的导演,还是为成功的演员.(全句翻译)Does _ _know _ _ 他已经成为了十年前他想成为 我认为他上次不对 英语翻译 英语翻译1.重要的是你做什么,而不是说什么.2.他出生在何时何地还不知道.3.那个人何时被谋杀,为什么被谋杀尚不知道.4.问题是他对那个小男孩做了些什么.5.我们相信他已经挣了足够的钱来盖 我认为这个帽子可能是他的英语翻译 (这道题很容易,但他做不出来)的英语翻译 我认为那不严重.英语翻译 我认为做家务是令人快乐的英语翻译(过去式) 求短句的地道翻译!急求!1.他们不希望国家政府干预.2.我认为1977年后就没有出版了,不管怎么说,我指的就是1977年的版本.3.我不想让他心存悬念,而是很快告诉他已经通过考试.4.他们已经选择缩 英语翻译:1.这台计算机不运行了 2.他每天要做很多的工作 英语翻译在广交会的时候我曾经见到过他们的老板,他跟我说因为你要求的价格太低,他做不了,所以要放弃这个订单.不知道您是否已经成功地下了订单. 英语翻译将下列句子翻译成英语:1.他非常感谢那些在困难时期给过他帮助和支持的人 2.总的来说,中国人比较含蓄,一般不怎么愿意和陌生人交谈 3.正是他乐于助人的品德使他赢得了人们的尊