问几个词组的含义及用法end up、reach out、bring out、walk up to嗯嗯,求含义、用法,最好能各给几个例句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 03:56:47

问几个词组的含义及用法end up、reach out、bring out、walk up to嗯嗯,求含义、用法,最好能各给几个例句
end up、reach out、bring out、walk up to

问几个词组的含义及用法end up、reach out、bring out、walk up to嗯嗯,求含义、用法,最好能各给几个例句
end up
1. [口语]结束,结尾,告终;停止:
The chairman finally ended up his speech.主席终于结束了演说.
2. 终于(成为…),最后(做某事):
He ended up as general manager of the company.
reach out伸出(手等);伸手拿:
He reached out his hand and took the money away.他伸出手来将钱拿走.
bring outbring out
1. 带…出来,取出,拿出,端出;搬出:
to bring the pen out of my pocket从口袋掏出钢笔
to bring out a gun拿出一支枪
2. 使清楚,使变得明显,显示出来;使显出;使出现;使(意义等)明白地表示出来,阐明;发挥:
to bring out its beauty to the best advantage充分显示出它的美
to bring out the meaning of a passage阐明一段文字的意义
3. 说出:
He was so shocked that he could hardly bring out a word.他震惊得连一句话也说不出来.
4. 上演,推出(剧目、作品等);出版(书籍、杂志等);公布,发表;生产;出售:
They are bringing out a new edition of the dictionary.他们正要出版这部词典的新版本.
walk up to 走向;走近
I walked up to my friend and shanked hands warmly with him.

end up:结束 告终 结果是 How does the film end up?
reach out:伸出手:提供援助 伸手拿 He reached out his hand and took the money away
bring out:出版,生产;取出,拿出,端出;搬出
walk up to: 走向;走近 You walk up to the front你迈步向前