
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 12:45:10


Maybe it's a best suitable match that a childish silly person like me has such a pure,bright and kind child as the best friend; telling my long hidden suffering and sorrow,sharing her frustrations,bathing in her optimistic air and sunshine,enjoy the warmth,sensing and feeling the most precious wealth in life...
I'm grateful to have such a true friend when I'm the most lonely and helpless.

Maybe the kind of people who are puerile just like me, can only treat the children who are chaste, sunny, and kind as my best friends. To tell the pain and sorrow deep inside me, and to share her trou...


Maybe the kind of people who are puerile just like me, can only treat the children who are chaste, sunny, and kind as my best friends. To tell the pain and sorrow deep inside me, and to share her trouble. I'd love to stay in the optimistic sunshine of her, enjoying that warmth, touching the most precious wealth in humen's soul. I am so appreciate that god brought me such a fantastic friend when I was so lonly and helpless.


Perhaps I, a childish fool, can make friends with only pure, optimistic and gold-hearted children, telling them my pain and sorrow buried deep in my heart and meanwhile sharing their vexation. Bathed ...


Perhaps I, a childish fool, can make friends with only pure, optimistic and gold-hearted children, telling them my pain and sorrow buried deep in my heart and meanwhile sharing their vexation. Bathed in the sanguine sunshine, I enjoy the warm and feel the most precious fortune in humanity. I thank God a lot for sending such a bosom friend in my most helpless times.
--手翻,特供 92961314 - 试用期 一级


Maybe I can just be friend with pure and truthful child, just because I'm a puerile fool. To pour out the pain and distress that have been covered in my heart, and share the annoyance of her. Standing...


Maybe I can just be friend with pure and truthful child, just because I'm a puerile fool. To pour out the pain and distress that have been covered in my heart, and share the annoyance of her. Standing in her enterprising sunshine, to feel, to enjoy that warmth from her, apperceive the most valueable treasure in her humanity. Thank you, to give me such a bosom friend when I fall in to lonely and helpless.
P.S.:对于中文原文来说,本译文可能有些地方翻译得比较生涩,请仔细阅读,如有不当之处,敬请指出,谢谢。但绝对纯手译,绝不掺假。格式缩进已经设置好,已经不需要再改动。 Aquarius Char.


My this childishness fool maybe can only to purify like this, sunlight, the child good and honest is a best friend. Go and telling self conceals already long agony and sorrow at heart , share her vexa...


My this childishness fool maybe can only to purify like this, sunlight, the child good and honest is a best friend. Go and telling self conceals already long agony and sorrow at heart , share her vexation and. Enjoy that kindness in bathing in sunlight making progress in her optimism,perception human nature is hit by the most precious wealth. Be thankful God bestowing a bosom friend on my such one place during the period of I am the lonely most helpless.


英语翻译也许我这个孩子气的傻瓜只能以这样纯洁,阳光,善良的孩子为最好的朋友.去诉说自己心中掩饰已久的痛苦与哀伤,并分担她的烦恼.沐浴在她的乐观向上的阳光中,享受那温暖,感知人性 英语翻译不过一定要准确啊 千万别机器翻译我就无语了“他们要我用几个词来编一个故事,可是我不会,所以我只能编一个像这样一个和傻瓜之间的对话.” 英语翻译一首叫傻瓜的歌,麻烦大家帮我把中文的傻瓜翻译成法文 前女友说我小孩子气,这个小孩子气是什么鬼意思? 英语翻译英语的.也许,我该放弃. 傻瓜你这个傻瓜,这是一首什么歌?谁唱的? 英语翻译dummy书名都翻译成了傻瓜书,我觉得很有问题,我感觉这个dummy不是个贬义,一翻译成傻瓜就太难听了,汉语里有没个不是贬义的与傻瓜同义的词语在?我知道我的问题太苛刻了.我的意思是 英语翻译我翻译得是C++多合一傻瓜书这个for好像翻译不出来 说几句爱天的孩子气的话 怎么写这个作文如题 英语翻译(傻瓜定律) 这个词的英语翻译 傻瓜我这样的人不值得你去爱 英文怎么说 在这个世界上每个都是独一无二的你,过的幸福么.生活总是不如意在这个世界上,总是会出现这样那样的问题但一切总会过去,明天的阳光依旧会璀璨辉煌也许这仅仅只能是个愿望但我真的希望 英语翻译我喜欢看到那个傻瓜想要见到我的心情 也许你爱我.英语翻译 英语翻译很短的一句,也许很难表达也许很容易表达,我要精髓. 英语翻译“也许我的随性伤了你,我会改的!”这个 这个 “谢谢媳妇给我过的生日我很开心” 分成两个 大侠们 “只有自己才是自己的镜子.拿别人做自己的镜子,天才也许会照成傻瓜. 英语翻译.也许,我该放弃..英文的翻译.