(1/2)请帮忙分析一句话they suggested that the thief__to be taken to the police st

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 16:42:42

(1/2)请帮忙分析一句话they suggested that the thief__to be taken to the police st
(1/2)请帮忙分析一句话they suggested that the thief__to be taken to the police st

(1/2)请帮忙分析一句话they suggested that the thief__to be taken to the police st
referred to是定语修饰the thief,所以句子应该是suggest that sb should do...建议某人做某事


可以用be refered,表示被动,他们建议贼应该被送到警察局。
此处可用was refered。

分析:句型suggest that sb. do sth. 原句里”to be“里的to,是refer to 的to, 作介词,并非不定式。be 作为句型”suggest that sb. do sth.” 里面的动词原型。

(1/2)请帮忙分析一句话they suggested that the thief__to be taken to the police st 看图写一句话,请帮忙? 1-2两道选择题.请帮忙分析下. 请帮忙分析,越快越好, 请帮忙分析下这两题, 请帮忙整理成一句话, they would not have been prosecuted if they had not lied to police.请帮忙分析词句的语法结构 You can' image what trouble they have solve the problem being discussed.请帮忙分析句子成份,尤其...You can' image what trouble they have solve the problem being discussed.请帮忙分析句子成份,尤其是what trouble they have 英语翻译Saranghan Su Kyungyoon skinSaranghan Su Kyungyoon enulsionSaranghan Su Kyungyoon creamSaranghan Su Kyungyoon gold essenceSaranghan Su revision ampouleSaranghan Su okan eye cream这是什么牌子的,没有听说过,请指教啊1 请帮忙分析一下句子成分 请帮忙分析一下简单电路中的电流走向比如1、2 帮忙翻译一句话they are not serious at that age 请帮忙分析一个句子!Look at what they can do without legs that animals with legs can't do. 请帮忙分析语法Two men who recently spent five days on a coral island wished they had stayed there longer.其中:wished they had stayed there longer. 请分析句子成分:They've been divorced. 西语句子分析请帮忙翻译下面一句话:Lo busco muy cansado.到底是我找他找得我很累还是我发现他很累?顺便能不能帮忙分析一下这句话.谢谢! 我是江苏考生三总345物理是c,化学b+能上南京林业大学二本吗?请帮忙具体分析一下,不要只回一句话 请帮忙,汉译英,谢谢,一句话通过对试验测试数据的分析,表明该系统对木材表面粗糙度的检测结果准确.