"with surprise","to sb.'s surprise"," surprisingly"这三个的区别?最好有例句

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"with surprise","to sb.'s surprise"," surprisingly"这三个的区别?最好有例句
"with surprise","to sb.'s surprise"," surprisingly"这三个的区别?

"with surprise","to sb.'s surprise"," surprisingly"这三个的区别?最好有例句
with surprise
Bill looked at him with surprise.
to somebody's surprise
(=in a way that surprises someone)
Much to his surprise she gave him her phone number.
To everyone's surprise, they got married.
The exam was surprisingly easy.
Not surprisingly, most companies eagerly accept this offer.

in surprise 表示“惊奇地”意思,可作状语或表语。
例如:I was in surprise when she told me that she was an orphan.
with surprise 表示“带着惊讶地,面带惊讶地”,只作状语。
例如:Emma looked at it with surprise. 艾玛...


in surprise 表示“惊奇地”意思,可作状语或表语。
例如:I was in surprise when she told me that she was an orphan.
with surprise 表示“带着惊讶地,面带惊讶地”,只作状语。
例如:Emma looked at it with surprise. 艾玛面带惊讶地看着它。
by surprise 只作状语,表示“冷不防地”,常与take, get, seize等动作连用。
例如:The policeman took the thief by surprise as he opened the window. 警察趁小偷打开窗户时,出其不意地把他逮住了。


surprise at 、 surprise with 与 surprise to的区别?这个问题困扰了我挺久,surprise at 、 surprise with 与 surprise to有什么区别,还是它们可以互换?请详细准确地回答我好吗? surprise at 、 surprise with 与 surprise to有什么区别?这个问题困扰了我挺久,surprise at 、 surprise with 与 surprise to有什么区别,还是它们可以互换?请详细准确地回答我好吗? with surprise,to sb.'s surprise, surprisingly这三个的区别?最好有例句~ Ifound -- that the goddess is a woman A surprisingly B with surprise C to their surprise with surprise,to sb.'s surprise, surprisingly这三个的区别?最好有例句 4.To my surprise,he _____ the party with me. _____________(To my surprise/With my surprise),my parents agreed to have a birthday party for me () my surprise,they all looked at me () my surprise A to;with B with;in C to;in D with;to The young man looked at the shopkeeper____.A.with surprise B.to surprise C.in surprise D. in surprised答案是C。 to us surprise还是to our surprise 能答几道答几道,1 On hearing the ( ) news,she was very ( ) and looked at me ( )A surprising,surprising,with surprise B surprise,surprised,with surprisedC surprising,surprised,in surprise D surprised,surprise,in surprised2 They need to find a co 1.On hearing the _______ news,she was very ______ and looked at me________.A.surprising,surprising,with surprise B.surprise,surprised,with surprisedC.surprising,surprised,in surprise D.surprised,surprise,in surprised2.They need to find a comfortable be surprise at To one's surprise To my surprise.中surprise的词性? to one's surprise They found _that the goddess turnd out to be...用to their surprise还是with surprise?新概念3上的题目,their surprise,但with结构作状语,修饰find的状态,不也说得通吗? To my surprise,I found I had a lot in ( ) with this stranger 填什么 the,my,to,with,teacher,agreed,me,surprise怎样连词成句