这篇雅思作文能得多少分?题目是In some counies ,governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of large cities and into regional areas,do you think advantage of this development outweight its disadvantage.In current soc

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 10:10:55

这篇雅思作文能得多少分?题目是In some counies ,governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of large cities and into regional areas,do you think advantage of this development outweight its disadvantage.In current soc
题目是In some counies ,governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of large cities and into regional areas,do you think advantage of this development outweight its disadvantage.
In current society, industies and businesses are advancing at an amazing speed in our lives.But in the meantime,wheather industies and businesses should move out of large cities into regional areas has become a highly debatable issue.Pesonally,I agree theri view,but I would qualify it to some extent.
It is obvious that citizens face up some severe problems,for instance house ,taffic and pollution. Firstly,I will disscus about two reasons for argument of move out of big cities to regional areas because houses are limite,but the population is booming.It will cause that lots of citizens nowhere to live.The main reason for this is that so many factories and companies were built in big cities.On the other hand ,pollution always the serious issue for each country.These factories will make lots of garbage ,everyhours.Therefore,if they do not recycle on time,it will leave more pollution than before.It seems that citizens were not benefit from these kind of businesses.
However,I have to say ,industries and businesses have promoted the development of countries.They can keep the society stable and safe.They also have removed the barrier for people who are unempolyments.But if we move them out of big cities into regional areas,it will be complete in both respects.
To sum up,I totally agree that view.If industries and businesses move out of urban area,it will solve all the issues in good ways.

这篇雅思作文能得多少分?题目是In some counies ,governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of large cities and into regional areas,do you think advantage of this development outweight its disadvantage.In current soc



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