a piace where you can buy bread and cakes好的加分(用英文回答)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 03:36:48

a piace where you can buy bread and cakes好的加分(用英文回答)
a piace where you can buy bread and cakes好的加分(用英文回答)

a piace where you can buy bread and cakes好的加分(用英文回答)

Please write a short passage about one piace where you have been. a piace where you can buy bread and cakes好的加分(用英文回答) ------ ( ) did you visit last week?-----the bund A where B which piace C what place D what s_____ not sit.和o____ not ciose和s___ a piace where you study.根据英语释义及首字母提示补全单词 根据英语释义及首写字母提示补全单词1.d___make with a pen,a pencil,etc2.j___a piece of work3.s___not sit4.o___not close5.m___not woman6.s___a piace where you study7.A___the eigth month of a year 根据释义写单词( )your father‘s mother or father( )Saturday and Sunday( ) not long/tall( ) begin( )a piace where you can buy and eat a meal I would like to live next to a_____(a piace where a king ang his family live). Did you go ____during the holidays?A.somewhere B.nowwhere C.anywhere D.a piace Do you mind my taking the piace?----____.It is for my daughter.A.Better not B.Yes,please是place,不是 piace write an essay about a piace you have ever been to.什么意思 Can you think -------------a good piace for vacation?是填about还是 of请说明原因 the piace you want to do Have you been back to the piace please type the location where you want to piace the extracted files.和browse和cancel的意思说出它的中文意思 please type the location where you want to piace the extracted files.和browse和cancel的意思shuo zhongwen yisi I am not as strong as you think,but I can it find the piace where the weak can rest.的意思是什么? where ca you leaning folk music without paying money翻译 where ca you leaning folk music without paying money