学习英语遇到了瓶颈Basically my English level has reached the point where I can communicate with foreigners easily,and do some basic tranlating work.My foreigne teacher said I was really really good.But I want to be excellent,I want to be an

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 07:02:04

学习英语遇到了瓶颈Basically my English level has reached the point where I can communicate with foreigners easily,and do some basic tranlating work.My foreigne teacher said I was really really good.But I want to be excellent,I want to be an
Basically my English level has reached the point where I can communicate with foreigners easily,and do some basic tranlating work.My foreigne teacher said I was really really good.But I want to be excellent,I want to be an interpreter after i graduate from school.So being good is not enough for me.I need to be great.I need some advice from you guys to improve my oral and written English.

学习英语遇到了瓶颈Basically my English level has reached the point where I can communicate with foreigners easily,and do some basic tranlating work.My foreigne teacher said I was really really good.But I want to be excellent,I want to be an
Advice 吗?
1. 混知道英语翻译区~很多高手都在这儿~每天亦有数不清的难题出现~Let's challenge!
2. 假若是想增加字汇量~可以试试vocabulary.com或New York Times Learning Network, 英语母语学生都是这样学英语的
3. Repartee 找找看~很有趣的一个项目,想必可以对阁下的口语有所帮助
4. 多读读书~真的~像成语、短语之类,写作技巧、手法之类不读是学不来的~首推The Element of Style
5. TED 不多说~找找去
6. 找本自己喜欢的词典,比如在下是韦氏英英粉,用字前会翻翻看
7. 文法的可以试试word reference 及 englishforums
8. 最重要的是多多认识不同的人和事~或许一个译者在用字文法上很好,但很多时候却因为对传译资料的来源和对象不了解因而做成误读误判或翻不到位的情形
Basically my English level has reached a bottleneck, where I have no
problems in daily communications and basic translations. My foreign
teacher once told me that I was "really really good", but I am not satisfied.
My dream is to become an interpreter after graduation, and being
"good" is not enough for me. I need to be outstanding! Thus, I need advice form you guys to improve my oral and written English.
2. graduate from school 多少有点"累赘"(verbose), 主因是school这字太笼统~修改方案一是改为graduation,二是用更具体字眼如college, university
3. "great" is not great enough, please be outstanding.
最後的最後给LZ一句,"Don't forget to be awesome."

学习英语遇到了瓶颈Basically my English level has reached the point where I can communicate with foreigners easily,and do some basic tranlating work.My foreigne teacher said I was really really good.But I want to be excellent,I want to be an 本人今天作业遇到了瓶颈,对了 是人教版的 半导体硅材料在性能上遇到了什么瓶颈? 托福口语遇到瓶颈!已经好久了呀,怎么办呢? 遇到 瓶颈该怎么办?! 我在学习英语遇到瓶颈了.我自己现在在阅读时候,虽然一篇文章里遇到的生单词不是特别多,但是,我就是不能完全了解文章的意思,有时候就是完全不懂.大家出出注意啊. 如何摆脱汉语思维我知道人必须有一门一技之长才能立足社会.我想选择英语,但是学习一段时间时候发现遇到了瓶颈,我的汉语思维严重影响了我的英语表达.说来说去不是地道的英语.我不怕 高三了数学英语学习遇到瓶颈,效率不高现在第一学期进行了一半,感觉成绩没有明显提高,我上课也认真听讲了.但是回家后效率很低.我是文科生,数学大概分数就在100分左右,自己做题发现好半 英语翻译我给了他忠告,而不是钱.(insterd of)我们中的一些人学习英语,其他人学习法语.(others)根据我们的记录,你借的书现在应该还给图书馆了.(according to)记过基本上令人满意.(basically)中国 学英语遇到瓶颈了,到底该怎么学啊?单词背不进去,看文章又一大堆不会的,口语又磕磕绊绊的,烦死了! 英语遇到瓶颈上一次冒特别高,可自从考完了就突然做什么题都比行了,怎么办啊 瓶颈用英语怎么说 高二英语学习如何走出瓶颈?我现在高二了,英语总分120的卷子我一般都能考到100+,基本上A+,年级排名前15左右.一般前面选择题总分85,我能得到73左右.但是最近我的英语貌似陷入了瓶颈,只有68左 思考问题遇到瓶颈期怎么办? 写文遇到瓶颈咋办?如题 最后几十天,求高中英语突破140方法!我的英语接近130,但还有30几天,我不甘心,主要是阅读和完形遇到了瓶颈,每次都要扣10-16分,我希望突破这里! 数学学习遇到了瓶颈RT.我现在是初二.原来一直在上海念.然后现在回到老家读.这次120分(附加题20分)的卷子我只考了84.上学期我从40猛补到了80.但是就很难提升了.可能是基础没打好.问下要 数学学习遇到瓶颈数学只要用就可以学好.初一的时候,一百二左右.可是,初二上发生了变故,我们换了数学老师,新的老师很糟糕,讲的也不清楚,加上逆反心理,成绩直速下滑,还考过两次不及格.